Chapter 6

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--6 months later--

(Y/N) can't stop thinking about him, his voice, his hair, his build, his dastardly personality, and strange charm. They continue to throw these thoughts out of their mind as quickly as possible for fear of being regected and the fact that he is a strange sadistic monster made in their basement. But as soon as he is back in sight or the current subject the thoughts continue to takeover. They had been getting drunk more often because of these thoughts but (Y/N) would never tell anyone that. 

Even after the scientist told him over and over again not to leave the house or go near people he would still sneak out and cause mayhem. He would get more daring every time until it led up to this. He had broke into a home about two blocks away from my home. He went in through a window by using a heated claw to make a large hole and crawling in. He said that he humans don't "boil" like cells. The scientist was utterly mortified by this leading to what they were currently doing. Getting the fuck out of the country. 

(Y/N) was driving them out of the state with their precious items packed in the trunk and Thrax laying across the back seats illegally without his seatbelt. Once they get out of the state they will hop on a plane and move to somewhere in Europe. Really they would go anywhere in Europe  at this point so any open flights will do. 

So now all they have to do now is get there...

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