Chapter Eleven

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Hola! How's every one doing???


Chapter 11

Alex finally went home, and Zach and I decided to go spend the day together.

I was sat in the passenger seat of his pick-up truck with my feet propped on the dash.

"How've you been little sis?" Zach asked, glancing over at me for a split second.

"Good. How about you?" I asked, knowing this eas just a filler conversation.

Filler conversations just seem more awkward to me than silence honestly.

"I've been okay. I started going out with Meghan, you know, the girl I've been crushing on since third grade? I'm about to ask her if she wants to be  my girlfriend." He grinned, an excited glimmer in his eye.

I smiled, clapping my hands, "Yay! It's about time!"

His grin faltered for a moment and he glanced over at me.

"So, how did Alex ask you to be his girlfriend?" He inquired, and I rolled my eyes at his over protective brotherly attitude.

"Well, um, He took me to the beach, and he walked me along the water. He made me a crown full of flowers and placed it on my head. Then we came to the middle of the beach, and he had 'will you be my girlfriend', written in seashells."

Obviously none of that had happened...and I obviously don't spend hours daydreaming cliché ways  for my crush to ask me out....

He cleared his throat, "That's, uh-sweet."


Zach and I went to lunch and then the park.
We didn't talk much in the car, or at the resturaunt, but it was at the park that things started going downhill.

We sat on a bench by the play ground, watching fondly as the little kids played around, swinging on the monkey bars, and sliding down the slides.

Then I caught sight of the person I wanted to see least.

"Oh my gosh, are you cheating on Alex?" A familiar shrill voice sneered behind me.

I slowly spun around, narrowing my eyes at her.

"This is-" She cut me off before I could respond.

"I'm totally going to send this to the whole school. Including Alex!" She exclaimed, smirking evilly.

"You're one to talk, huh?" I crossed my arms, shifting all my weight to one leg.

She rolled her eyes, "I already sent it to the whole school. Have fun getting out of this one."

Before I could respond, she was gone.

"Who the heck was that?" Zach seethed, watching angrily as she strutted away.

"That was Sierra," I muttered, knowing what his reaction would be.
He was there when every thing happened, but he never met Alex or Sierra.

His eyes suddenly went cold and he tensed up.

"You mean her," He spat out the last word with extra venom.

"Yes. Please don't do anything irrational, I've got every thing under control." I grabbed his arm when he started to go after her.

He sighed, nodding.

We sat back down and looked up at the sky, watching as the sun started to set.

The sky was covered in hues of gold, red, pink, blue, purple, and so many colors that are between them.

"Hey Violet. Who's this guy?" ......Unbelievable.

"Hi Noah," I smiled tightly, standing up and facing him.

"This is my brother, Zach."

Noah gave me an awkward side hug, and shook Zach's hand.

"You've never mentioned a brother. How come I've never seen him around school?" He inquired, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Because he's in college, and I don't see him very often." I explained simply, and Noah nodded understandingly.

"Well then, I'll leave you guys alone. I'll see you later Vi!" Noah smiled, before dissapearing into the now dimly lit park.


I lied in bed, pondering over the events from the last few weeks.

I made new friends, I fell in love again with my ex-bestfriend.
I'm getting revenge on my other female ex-bestfriend.

And my brother came back to visit.

It had definitely been an eventful few weeks...

There were a few soft knocks on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I shouted, sitting up.

I locked eyes with a pair of bright green ones, and My jaw dropped.

"Ashton? What're you doing here?" I inquired, looking at him quizzically.

"I came to talk to you. It's kind of important."


Heyyy! Sorry this chapter was kinda short, but I needed a good cliff-hanger ;)

The new chapter should be out you know, I don't make you wait very long for an update XD


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