A light coming from my closet

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We moved around a lot as a kid and we were poor so my parents typically would rent houses that were relatively cheap. I was probably 9 or 10 years old when we moved into this beautiful old home from the early 1900's in a not amazingly safe neighborhood but it was far from the worst. One of the first nights after we moved there was when this happened.

I remember waking up feeling ice cold. It was really strange because it was the middle of summer, we didn't have air conditioning, and I wasn't allowed to have my windows open at night. A soft blue light was coming from my closet so I turned to look. There, sitting on some boxes in my open closet, was a woman maybe mid 20's to early 30's just crying. I could barely hear her but what amazed me most was that she was blue, just like the light.

I remember sitting up, staring at her and asking what was wrong. She stopped, looked up at me shocked, and after making eye contact for a few seconds she faded away. I guess she didn't expect me to be awake or to talk to her? In any case, it wasn't the last time I would see her but I never felt afraid of her.

We moved out when I was 12; we didn't live there very long. My mom didn't tell me why the rent there was so cheap till we moved. Apparently a woman and her mother were murdered there, some sort of a burglary gone bad. Go figure.

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