The woman in the white nightdress

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When I was in 10th grade , I was laying down in our unfinished basement watching TV late at night. I got up and walked into our unfinished basement bathroom (basically a concrete room with a toilet, sink and mirror. As soon as I turned the light on I saw a woman in a white nightgown in the mirror. I booked it upstairs.

I never saw it again, but a year later I was alone at home and my friend Ben picked me up so we could do some Christmas shopping. He had never been to my house before and had never met my parents. He waited in my living room while I got my sh*t together and then we headed out. Nothing unusual, or so I thought, because 2 or 3 weeks later Ben mentioned that he met my mother that day in my living room. I told him nobody was home but me that day. He kept arguing otherwise and told me he saw her "standing next to the piano in a nightgown" and then she walked away.

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