The apartment

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I moved into my apartment about five years ago, it was my first time living alone and having my own place. After unpacking I took pictures of everything I had but when I took a picture of my tv it didn't turn out right. The tv was off but on the screen, there was a white girl with black hair wearing a blue shirt. The shirt left the shoulders bare, and there was a man on his knees in front of the girl. He was wearing a white shirt that was way too big for him. Standing behind the man on his knees and next to the girl was a tall older man. He was skinny and balding and was wearing a brown suit with black pinstripes. After I took the picture I didn't want to live there anymore.

Then weird things started happening.

My cat who got spooked easily and started hissing at something I couldn't see. My favorite Coca-Cola glass fell by itself off of the draining board. It wasn't even close to the edge of the counter. Months later I was getting ready for bed, I was standing in front of my bedroom door when this black figure walked right in front of me like I wasn't there. I can't explain it. Weird stuff still happens, when I'm in my bedroom I can smell cigar smoke as if someone is blowing it right in my face, I can hear old-timey music like from the 20's. I can also hear conversations going on in the living room when I'm the only person in the apartment, and I keep seeing this girl in a blue dress and black hair standing at the foot of my bed. She never does anything just stands there and watches me sleep."

It's just a dream (True creepy stories)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें