Chapter 6

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5 months later

~ The day of Ellie's Birthday ~

Harp's POV

Ellie is in the shower so me and Lean have lots of time for our plan.
"Lean, you ready?" I asked him.
"You bet I am.. And by the way, what are we doing again?" he stated.
"your sister's birthday is today, I just wanted to surprise her. Me and Penny will make sure to get her a puppy, or a kitty I guess."  really, I don't know what to give her, maybe the puppy will do. all I have to do is...

and then...

"GUYS!! I HAVE THE PUP.." Lean immediately Penny's mouth.
"shut up she'll hear you.  she's just in the shower noisy old auntie." Lean  said to Penny.
"Penny, keep the puppy away from here. a place where she can't see it.."  I told her.
"okay boss!" she said and went outside with the puppy.
"why do we have to include her in the plan?" Lean asked.

"she's your sister's best friend." I stated.

"and what's taking Ellie so long?" Lean complained. "Ellie, not done yet? you're taking forever to finish you time for showering." he added.

"I'm just dressing up, I'll be down soon." Ellie shouted. then the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Lean said and went outside.

I can't believe we're gonna pull a surprise on her again. she really hates surprises... well it's for the best.

"who is it?" lean screamed from the main door.

"is Ellie around" the man by the gate asked. I heard the man and chased after Lean.

"why are you looking for her?" I asked
"is it so bad to see my daughter on her birthday?" the man who was outside the gate accused himself as Ellie's dad, and Ellie and Lean's dad passed away long before they moved in the country.
"our dad is dead sir. and you don't even look like him." Lean added.

"I'm sorry but if you don't leave now we  might call the police." I said.

"what's all the noise out here?" Ellie then surprised us. when Ellie saw the man outside the gate, she dropped her brush on to the ground.

"big Sis, you okay?" Lean asked.
"Harp bring Lean inside, NOW." Ellie said.

it was my first time to see her such in a serious face. who is this man? what is he doing here? why is Ellie so hard to read... what's gotten into her?

Author's Note:

people who reads the story, I'm very sorry for updating too late and making it short. I was busy these past few days, weeks, and months. Exams we're up and I had to review for it, so I hope all of you understands me. and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. ;) 

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