Chapter Two- Lunch and Awkward.

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What did I except, really? I had dated Fletcher for two years. The school wasn't just going to ignore that small little fact. As I walked through the lunch line with Jade, people kept on coming up to me and saying they were sorry.

The best part was when cheerleaders walked up to me and said they were sorry. Yeah, I'm sure that they were sorry. Fletcher, the hottest boy in school was now single. And though I was sure he'd hooked up with a lot of girls during our relationship, they didn't have to hide it anymore.

Then I had to deal with Tayla. Tayla was a cheerleader, but she was also not like the rest. She was more like me. A popular girl, but a smart one. Tayla was smart, but she was also very flirtatious, and if I had to guess, I would say she and Fletcher had hooked up at least four times. She walked up to me as I was getting my drink.

"So sorry to hear about you and Fletcher." She said as she looked at me with hatred and distain in her eyes. Tayla was short, but five inch heels actually made her taller than me, so she was virtually looking down on me.

"I can tell. Your compassion is the only thing that gets me through this horrible time." I said sarcastically. Jade snickered.

"Bitch, watch it. Without Fletcher, you have no one protecting you from your reputation going down the toilet."

"And who's going to make that happen? You? Yeah, sure, I'd like to see you try."

"Watch me. Fletcher is flirting with me every two seconds now, he'll ask me out in two days, and you? Pfft, he's over you, sweetheart."

I honestly laughed. It was just so funny. "Fletcher flirts with the lunch lady and probably has flirted with Mrs. Zaminsky. (the principal) And I sure hope he's over me, because after I broke up with him, I meant what I said, I didn't need him or his cheating ass in my life."

"Oh, is it true, then? You did break up with him when he cheated on you?" She looked at Jade for the first time. "Oh, your the skank he cheated on her with,  Jill?"

Jade glared at her, and was about to speak, but before she could open her mouth, I defended her. "Oh shut up Tayla, I'd like to see things from you'r point of view, but I can't seem to fit my head that far up my ass. You really are dumber than you look." I shoulder past her. "Come on Jade, we probably shouldn't keep talking to someone who thinks Paris Hilton is a good role model."

Tayla's mouth hung open in disbelief. Jade and I walked towards our table.

"Wow, you could've been a little more polite." She commented, giggling softly.

"She needs a little lesson. She and the Bermuda triangle really have a lot in common. " I spat.


"They have both swallowed a lot of semen." I responded.

Jade lost it, dying of laughter as we sat down. "That's actually really good." She chortled.

I smiled softly. I looked over the crowded cafeteria and I found Rosalie. I waved her over.

She smiled and walked over, sitting with us. "I was looking for you guys." She said in her soft voice.

"Yeah, we were looking for you too. So, what classes do you have?" I asked her.

"Chemistry, Geometry, Spanish-" She went on to recite her schedule.

"Oh, cool." Jade said with a smile. I nodded.

"So, um, Rosalie, have you met Fletcher yet?"

"No, I haven't." She said with a shrug, turning to look over at the jock table, where he was surrounded by cheerleaders, sport players. I usually sat with them, but I couldn't stand to be around Fletcher.

"Hmm." I murmered. "Hey, have you ever been cheated on before?" I asked. It was an intrusive question, but I wanted to know.

Her smile turned into a frown. "Yeah, yeah, I have."

"Well that's what happened with me and Fletcher. He cheated on me, with Jade. Or on Jade with me, both are true."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I know how it feels."

"Yeah, actually, we are planning on getting some revenge.... Maybe you could help us?"

Jade shot me a confused look. "Aria," She whispered. "I thought we were planning on telling her LATER."

"Wait, I'm not sure I follow, what?"

"What we mean," Jade said, facing her palms down on the table. "Is that we want you to help us with our quest for revenge."

"Well, how?" Rosalie asked.

"We need you to get Fletcher to fall in love with you."

"Excuse me, but this isn't any of my business-"

"Look, Rosalie, he really hurt me. I was dating him for 2 years. I just.. I want him to know what it feels like.. You know what it feels like to be hurt, and won't you help us get back at him? Think of the benefits. You'll have complete and total popularity. Everyone will want to hang out with you. Just please, help us."

Rosalie stared at her fingers.  "Listen, guys, I'm sorry, but no."

I wasn't about to be defeated yet. "Look at Fletcher. Surrounded by girls. Those girls, they would step all over you in an instant. Don't you know what it feels like to be bullied? Think of it, you'll be teaching the biggest bully of all a lesson."

Rosalie sighed, looking at Fletcher. She seemed to go away from this school, and into her past. About a minute later, she replied; "I'll do it."

Jade and I high fived. "Thank you so much, Rosalie, you won't regret this. Besides, it'll be kinda fun. Like a secret agent." Jade added.

"Okay, well, what do I have to do?" She asked in her soft little voice.

"Come to my house after school, and we'll tell you all about our plan." Jade and I squealed. and pumped our fists. "Can you sleepover to?"

"Yeah, sure." Rosalie smiled, and we finished our lunch hurriedly.

I looked over Jade's shoulder and saw Fletcher, smiling and flirting with some brunette. He exchanged glances with me, grinning triumphantly at me.  I returned the smile, and he looked confused. He was about to pay.

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