Chapter Fifteen- You Only Live Once

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When Aria told me the plan for revenge was off, at least for her, I was relieved more than anything. Honestly, this year had felt more like a chore than anything. I was a senior, I wanted to enjoy my time, but because we were to wrapped in thinking of Fletcher, that we'd forgotten to do the fun stuff. The stuff that every senior dreams of doing. I don't just mean smoking and drinking underage, which I wasn't stupid enough to do. Okay, I'd smoked once, but it smelled and tasted so nasty that I puked. And that was the end of those.

No, I mean stuff like camping out in the desert, jumping off bridges, skinny dipping at midnight, running away for the night. In the few weeks before prom, most girls spend their time prepping, by practicing their dancing and getting spray-tans and waxed legs. Aria and I spent early May together about 98% of the time.

Our first adventure was jumping off the bridge that went over the White River, which was a thin but deep river that ran through our town. We planned to go on the highest bridge, which was the Grey Bridge. We set out for the bridge at 8:00, so we could dive off it after dark.

We drove her car to the western side of the bridge, and pulled over just before the bridge started. Aria turned off the car's engine, then looked over at me. "You ready for this?"

"NO! Aren't you nervous?" I asked, my heart beating out of my chest.

She laughed and took off her sunglasses and threw them on the dashboard. "I told you, my brothers made me do it when I was in eighth grade, and Fletcher made me do it the summer before last. Its not so scary if you know how do dive right. You know how to, right?"

"Of course." I replied. I wasn't quite stupid enough to go jumping off 30 foot bridges into 18 feet water without making sure I could dive. "Good."

Aria slipped off her jean shorts, and unzipped her hoodie. Underneath, she was wearing a jet-black one piece. She carefully took a ponytail off her wrist and make a small top knot and secured it. I wormed my way out of my yoga shorts and took off my t-shirt. I had wanted to wear a cute bathing suit, but had instead opt on the side of NOT being in a porno if my bikini top were to fly off. So I wore my woman's blue speedo.

"Are we ready?" Aria asked me with a small smile.

"Ready." I confirmed, getting out of the truck.

We walked on the side-walk part of the bridge to to exact middle. There was a chain blocking the way, instructing people not to to jump off the bridge. We stepped over it and stood together, poised at the edge. I stared at my toes, and then looked at Aria. Even she looked a bit pale.

I grinned. "Thought you said you weren't scared?"

"Shut up. On three." Aria laughed. "One, two, three."

And before I let myself think about it, I spread my arms like Pocohantos and lept into the air next to my best friend.

Words don't describe the feeling as your feet leave the solid bridge. You throw yourself off the bridge and for a few seconds, as the wind whips through your hair, you are at psychics mercy. And you fear that will be the moment when wind will suddenly force your body into being paralyzed and you won't be able to take the proper pencil form. And the moment just before you hit the water is the worst moment in the world. You fear that every bone in your body will break, but then you break into the water smoothly. You are plummeted deep into the water, and when you finally slow down and dare to open your eyes, you see the bottom of the river, and how gross it is, and you use all your force to push your body up above the surface. As your breath is about to burst, your mouth lands above the water, and start gasping for breath.

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