chapter 4

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After a couple of months of check ups and therapy to ensure that there were no more problems or issues, Dr. Hani finally explained that we would be able to leave soon.

But while we're going though this a mysterious could always came to visit or glance into out room. At first we were on high alert but we slowly got use to them when they introduced themselves.

We heard a knock on the door and turned towards it and responded "come in!" We watched how doctor Hani entered the room with the couple that we had been seeing lately.

"Hello everyone I assume that you have met Mr. And Mrs Turner" we all nodded "well I'm sorry that I'm suddenly telling you this now instead of earlier but we all recently found out that you've all been adopted." She paused to slowly let the news sink in.

"Of course you will all be together and will be under protection and will have a social worker that ensures that everything is going okay." Dr Hani said hurriedly.

"What the hell? And you expect us to just accept this" Jai exclaimed.

"I know it's hard to accept and your not immediately moving in with them  you'll still be here for a little while and during that time the Turners will be visiting you all for you all to become use to them and to learn more about each other" Dr Hani explained.

We all turned to the couple that showed us all a nervous smile. Can we really trust them they have been kind to us. Can we really trust them?

Dr Hani excused herself explaining that she will give us time to ask questions and to familiarise ourselves with the Turners.

After having a long discussions with some awkward pauses we found out that they are both in their early forties they already have 2 kids of their own and one that they have adopted (two boys and one girl)  they have two dogs and live in a large spacious house. Mr. Turner is a ceo of a gaming company and Mrs. Turner is an artist.

It started to get late and they said their said their goodbyes promising to visit us again.

We all turned to eachother "so what do you guys think?" I asked. "I don't know I don't dislike them but I don't trust them either"

"Why do I feel like this is best offer that we will get? We were promised to be protected and regularly checked up on"  Jai suggested.

"How about we give them a chance?" I asked. We all agreed and met and got to know the Turners more until we were finally released.

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