Chapter 6

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We carried on talking until he heard a slam from downstairs and people talking below us. We heard someone walking towards the room we were in.

A soft knock came to the door and Mrs Turner opened the door and poked her head in letting us know it was her. "The other kids have come back from school I would like to introduce you all before we go shopping" we silently got off the beds and began to walk down towards the room everyone was in.

"Kids this is Rose, Jai and Crystal. Crystal Rose Jai this is Kyle,Jake and April" Mr Turner introduced us

We exchanged a few awkward hi before Mrs Turner explained we were all the same age.

I'm guessing they wanted us to interact more but we didn't want to.
So Mrs Turner suggeted that we go shopping. Mr Turner chose to stay behind so it was just the four of us.

We all got into the car the three of us at the back and Mrs Turner kids in front. Mrs Turner began to drive the car ride was silent, an uncomfortable awkward silence. We could see Mrs Turner look back at us from the mirror before she cleared her through breaking the silence.

"I hope you can all get along since your all the same age, I want you guys to take good care of them until they have settled properly" Mrs Turner said cheerfully. We replied with a smile and a thank you to the kids.

We finally arrived in th mall. We all stayed seperatedly the three of us together me Turner in the middle and the other three on her other side.

It took longer than we expected to buy clothes since we were skinnier than th last time we bought clothes, even though we assured Mrs Turner the few clothes were more than enough, and her just taking care of us was all we needed. She instantly silenced us, us trying to convince her not to buy us anymore things pushed her to do the opposite.

It's been so long since we've been treated with this much kindness from a parent.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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