seven. Anxiety for our bones

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i see, in a small horror,
the puffiness of your cheeks,
your bones seem lost in your face
and a new clinging of your t-shirt
around your waist appeared -- did you notice it too?

in those photos
i missed the light of your jaw
and your eyes (those blessed blues; )
this strange foreign heaviness
of you seeming, when i
couldn't even bring myself
to chew

the morsels on my plate --
do you see it too?
my shoulders glowing like the shard
was last night.

and it was only a flight of birds in my head
why eat when they (and i) are dying
the dead do not need food --
and my hands shook
holding my knife and fork --
i could not do it i could not do it --

and it was only a flight of birds in my head                           screaming why eat when they (and i) are dying the dead do not need food --and my hands shook holding my knife and fork --i could not do it i could not do it --

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apologies for my erratic poems today.

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