seventy six. take a bite

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everyone but me --
a white lamb of godly proportions lost in the jaw of your mint mouth;
serve me up, sorcerer sent my two legs spent, washing line pegs
you open them wide and see what's inside: red roses posed
pressed like what exactly ; a freckle here and hair there ;
saying magical spells like this to the wells and whys
i wound a wound around my calf for it, that cry
of i was a little too much, for red rushes i did
rage, everyone but in their hollow hazes
and your eye clitorally precise on me
on the lace of my shoe, i was all 
ways how could i not know --
everyone but a nebular
nubile bride watched
the necromancer
wash my iris
white .

(2nd December 2018)

(2nd December 2018)

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