Chapter Five

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 By the end of her first week in Booker's employ, Trinket's dresses were finished and her leg healed enough for her to engage in some much-needed house-cleaning. Though Booker didn't seem all that concerned with the state of his beautiful home, she was eager to get to work. Unfortunately, while scrubbing the floors and polishing the furniture in his abode was a far cry from the forced labor she'd endured in Elysium, the chores conjured up unwanted memories all the same.

Memories of ice-cold baths.

And drug-induced stupors.

And horrifying electricity racing through her body.

The bell at the front door went off, pulling her away from her nightmarish thoughts and back to reality. She gripped the dusting rag in her hand, taking in her surroundings as her pulse began to slow. Right. This wasn't Elysium. She was in a city called Tinkerfall. In the parlour of a strange young doctor.

Whose front bell was still ringing.

Putting aside her cleaning supplies, she hurried to the door and opened it to find a shabby little girl with light brown skin who couldn't have been older than eleven standing on the steps. Her gaze was sharp as she looked Trinket up and down. Though her eyes were a soft, warm amber, they were filled with cunning and intelligence.

"Booker hired another maid?" she asked, her voice both rough like rusted metal and smooth as honey.

"Yes? I mean, yes, he did," Trinket said, suddenly a tad unsure of herself under this child's scrutiny. "Would you like me to call for him?"

The girl placed her hands on her hips and tossed her tangled black hair. "Do you really think you can handle this job?" she asked, ignoring Trinket's question.

"Pardon me?"

"You seem too fragile for Booker."


"He's not for the faint of heart."

"Gin?" Booker called from down the hallway.

The girl gave a snide grin before turning her attention to him. "Yep, it's me," she replied.

Booker appeared beside Trinket, and she stepped aside to let him speak with Gin. "Ah, I've been hoping you'd be by. Have you any leads for me?" he asked with a warm smile.

"Just this."

The girl passed Booker the remnants of a pigeon. Trinket swallowed down her revulsion as Booker took it and examined it closely. "Where did you find it?" he asked.

"Down by the Clocktower," Gin said. "Seemed like a lotta damage for a stray, so I thought maybe that wolf you've been goin' on about might've killed it."

"The injuries do seem a bit unusual. I'll have to take a closer look." He glanced up at the girl and smiled. "Thank you, Gin. I know I can always rely on you to bring me something worthwhile. Anyhow, have you met Trinket?"

Gin eyed her suspiciously. "Sure did. Can't believe you hired another maid. Thought after that last one you were done with 'em."

"So did I, but Trinket has proven quite useful."

"Really?" Gin looked her up and down once again. "I don't see it."

"Yes, well, most people don't see you for the feisty slip of a thing you are."

Gin grinned. "Not everyone is as smart as you, Booker." Her smile fell as she turned to Trinket and narrowed her eyes. "I should get goin'. I'll let you know if I hear or see anything interesting."

The Wolf with the Iron Jaw (Elysium #1)Where stories live. Discover now