Chapter Fourteen

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 The stars stood out starkly in the night sky, and a full moon illuminated the filthy, snow-covered streets. Trinket was relieved not to be enveloped in darkness, what with the Elysium orderlies still about. However, she knew the moonlight made it easier for others to see her and Booker walking down the street well past midnight with a leg of lamb tied to a rope and slung over Booker's shoulder.

They were sure to attract some unwanted attention.

Booker whistled a jolly tune as they strolled through the city center. "I rather like Tinkerfall this late at night. There's something quite alluring about a lonely street."

"It's not so lonely," she said as she stifled a yawn. "If it were truly lonely, you'd be all by yourself."

"True. And I don't think I would enjoy this half as much without someone to talk to."

He flashed her a smile, and she returned it with a drowsy one of her own. How did he function on so little sleep and still keep his charm? The man wasn't human.

"So, anything interesting happen while you were out and about running errands?" he asked.

"Well, I did learn a new conspiracy theory about the Wolf."

"Ooh, do tell."

"The Tinker believes the government has created it to kill off the beggars and urchins."

Booker scoffed. "As if they have the skills."

She shrugged. "I can't say he was all that convincing."

"He's a moron, really. I tolerate him because he's the only tinker for miles around. Most of his creations are poor quality knockoffs. He hasn't an original thought in his head. Likely heard that preposterous theory from a customer and is now pawning it off as his own."

"You know what else I learned?"


"That I've been working for you for the past five years. And that I used to have a hunch. And fancied dyeing my hair black. Honestly, I must have been quite a sight."

Booker's lips twitched. "Interesting how much you can learn about yourself from other people, is it not?"

"It's far more interesting how anyone could actually swallow such absurd lies."

"If you tell someone something with enough confidence and determination, even the most ridiculous lies sound believable."

"Well, the people of Tinkerfall will have a wonderful impression of me now."

"An impression of who you were. The hunched-over brunette they'll think they remember will only be a hazy image. The girl they see today will be the one who remains in their memory. Your past does not define who you are. You do."

The past doesn't define you. It was an appealing concept. But as she watched a swarm of bees rush out of the chimney of a nearby shop, she highly doubted it was true for her. How could she escape her past when her broken mind reminded her of it on a daily basis?

"I just can't believe anyone really thinks I look old enough to have been working for you for five years," she mumbled.

Booker chuckled. "Oh, come now, there's nothing wrong with having a few years on you, is there? I myself am relatively seasoned."

Turning her eyes to him, she asked, "How seasoned?"

He raised his eyebrows playfully. "How seasoned do you think I am?"

She shrugged. "I've never been good at guessing games."

"Oh, that's a lie, I'm sure of it. You're very clever."

The Wolf with the Iron Jaw (Elysium #1)Where stories live. Discover now