Chapter Twenty-Eight

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 Trinket and Booker stayed up all night discussing how best to continue their hunt for the Wolf. After much deliberation, they both came to the conclusion that, rather than try to capture the beast, they should simply track it and find out where it disappeared to during the day. If they could discover its hiding spot, perhaps they could figure out a more effective way to lure it into their possession.

"It's going to require some late-night excursions," Booker said as they sat in the parlour reviewing the map of Wolf sightings Ruth had made.

"How is that any different from our current situation?"

His mouth quirked into a crooked grin. "So tell me, how did you enjoy the game night?"

The memory of the Ape Man walking through the door flashed through her mind, and she clutched her teacup tightly. "It was eye-opening."

"Mm, right, that was your first face-to-face encounter with the Mice, wasn't it?"

"I suppose. Although, I've had plenty of encounters with their newest member."

She swallowed hard and stared down at her cup, seeing the Ape Man's vicious sneer reflected back at her in the tea.

"I lost my job because of you. Clarence, too."

A shiver ran through her body, and she took a sharp breath, the Lipstick Woman's words echoing in her head. What if the Ape Man was just as eager to get vengeance on her as his companion had been? Was she still in danger of being dragged back to Elysium?

No. Not with him. With him, revenge would most likely take the form of physical abuse. Although, she wasn't sure whether that was better or worse than the asylum.


Booker's voice brought her back to the present. Blinking away her panic, she forced a smile. "Sorry. My mind wandered off for a moment."

Setting the map aside, Booker leaned forward in his armchair and furrowed his brow. "Did he say something to you tonight?"


"That fellow from the asylum. The large one who looks like a balding ape."

Her lips twitched at his apt description. "No, he didn't. I managed to stay out of his way."

Booker drummed his fingers against his knee, staring at her thoughtfully. "He lost his job because you escaped, didn't he?"

Stomach sinking, she nodded. "Yes, he did. Both he and the woman the Wolf killed."

He leaned back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. "He doesn't seem all that bright, does he?"

"What he lacks in brains he makes up for in brawn."

"Yes, but no amount of strength is any match for a brilliant mind like mine."

She drew her brows together and watched Booker carefully as he resumed his study of the map. Was he trying to make her feel better about the Ape Man still being in Tinkerfall? Could he tell she was worried about him being so nearby?

She gave her head a quick shake and took another sip of tea. No, that was ridiculous. Booker Larkin wasn't the type to concern himself with the feelings of others.

"So, shall we begin our search tomorrow night?" he asked, his eyes still on the map.

A rush of excitement surged through her veins, replacing the fear and worry. "Yes. Tomorrow night."


The following morning, after a few meager hours of sleep, Trinket made her way downstairs to start breakfast. Booker was just coming in through the front door as she reached the last step.

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