Car ride

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You had just finished work,exsauhsted but excited about the gift you had revived. You decided to carry it home with you.

On your way back to your apartment you began to think some more. You needed to find way way to build up the courage and quit your job. You didn't want to be stuck doing something you thought was boring, especially if you had an opportunity to do something else. 'Maybe I could just ask someone to do it for me.' You though, but that couldn't work. You'd look pathetic. 'Maybe I could storm into her office and make a scene, like in the movies.' But that sounded even worse.

But you were already home and pretty hungry, and wanted to get your mind off of things. So you unlocked your door, stepped inside and turned on the radio. (You can loop the video) you then went over to your kitchen and made yourself a cup of tea. You changed in the mean time, getting into a more comfortable attire, throwing your old clothes on the ground. When you were done you grabbed your cup of tea and sat down on a beanbag chair. Slowly sipping down the tea you smiled. You glanced at the clothes you had thrown and saw a napkin sticking out of your pocket. You remembered the number Terrance gave you. Although you were already incredibly comfortable you got up to get the number, and your phone that was sitting on the counter. You sat back down. Pulling out your phone you dialed the number he had given you. But to your surprise, you heard a soft, cute ringtone play just outside of your window. You raised an eyebrow and turned you head to the window. But before you could see anything out there a crash was heard through your phone. You quickly ran to the window, repeating the same thing through the phone.

"Hello? Hello? Are you alright?"

You hastily opened the window and looked down the the ground, and to your utter surprise you saw Terrance laying there on the ground, groaning in pain.

"O-oh my gosh! Let me help you!" You closed the window and hung up the phone and ran out side as fast as your legs could carry you. You saw Terrance, slowly standing up. Trying his best to act natural, but his legs went weak and he fell again.

"Oh my goodness are you ok?" You asked, helping him up.

He felt his knees got wobbly once again as you wrapped your arm around him to help him up.

"I'm fine, I-" he felt a sharp pain and crouched into a ball to the floor, grinding his teeth together.

"Here," you said, pulling him up again. "I have a first aid kit in my room.

You both slowly made your way up to your apartment and you seated him on the couch. You then quickly ran to your room to grab your first aid. As you sat next to him you lifted up his chin to see his face, it was covered in bruises and he groaned as his face was moved. But he couldn't help but love the attention he was getting.

"Oh my gosh you didn't look nearly this bad last time you fell from that...roof." You continued to examine him but found no cuts at all. "Where does it hurt?" You asked.

He slowly shifted his arm as he pointed to his back. Not saying a word.

"Oh please don't let anything be broken, here we need to take you to the hospital ."

Terrance quickly stood up and backed away. "That won't be necessary, I'm already taking up too much of your time." He began to head out for the door but you grabbed his wrist.

"I have a car, get in and I'll take you."

Seeing the stubbornness in your face he saw no other choice. So he did as he was told and got into the car with you.

You started the car and began to drive to the hospital, praying nothing was wrong with him. "What were you doing outside my apartment?" You asked.

He looked out into the window, it began to rain and the streetlights reflected across the wet road, brightening up his face. "I left something up there from this morning." He mumbled.

"Well you need to be more careful." You told him, not keeping your eyes off the road.

He didn't say much after that, he just continued to lean his head out the glass of the window. "I'm fine..." he muttered again.

"Why are you so against just getting it checked out?" You asked, taking a quick glance at him.

He remained silent. You decided to ignore his behavior and tried to plug in your phone without letting go of the wheel, you played the same song from before and then resumed your focus on your driving. Terrance slowly pulled out his phone, hands covered in bruises. 34 missed calls, it read. He sighed and put it back in his pocket, he knew that as soon as he got home his brother was going to blow up, not seeing any groceries in the fridge. Maybe going to the hospital wasn't such a bad thing then. At least then he could stay out of the house would be worse once he did go back though, cause eventually he was going to have to go back.

"You know, it was pretty crazy cause at work today I got these flowers." You interrupted, breaking the silence. "They were very pretty." You added.

He turned his head towards you, a slight smile on his face. "Did you like them?" He asked.

"Well they were a very calming color, salmon." You pointed to his sweater. "Like the stripe on your sweater."

He gave off a little chuckle and stared out into the front window.

"It was a nice surprise, my day at work wasn't a bet pleasant one so that helped brighten things up."

Terrance's expression went from one of glee to worry.

"Why? What's happening?" He quickly asked, worried about what was causing you trouble.

"I've been wanting to quit for awhile now, but I have no idea how I'm gonna muster up the courage to do so."

And with that the car was silent again, but not for long, you both arrived at the hospital, you walked to the front desk and explained your situation, you were both then seated.

"You can leave now," Terrance beamed, almost as of his pain disappeared. "I can handle the rest."

"You're not going to ditch as soon as I leave that door? Are you?"

"Would it make you upset?" He asked, looking toward you, only to have you revert your gaze somewhere else. You nodded your head.

"Then I would never dream of doing it."

And with that you slowly stood up and began to walk away, you turned back at him and gave a slight wave, he waved back, with a cheery smile on his face. As soon as you went out the door he wanted to run for it. But he couldn't see you upset so he sat there, uncomfortably all by himself. Dreading all the thoughts of what awaited him back home.

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