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Thanking the driver that dropped you off in front of the apartment building you turned around. Your chest felt odd as you noticed things about the building that you hadn't noticed before. The small, hidden beauty that crept around the corners of the window seals on the walls. The front door which radiated a soft, welcoming light. Things you've never noticed before, and for some...odd reason they were now all so clear.

'Maybe this is crazy' you thought as you opened the front door, shielding yourself from the pouring rain outside.

'Maybe you should forget it all now.' you continued, making your way into the elevator.

'I guess it's too late now...' you sighed, now standing in front of Terrance and Harper's front door. You inhaled one more time, bringing your closed fist to the wood you breathed it all out. It really was too late now. You stood there for a moment, tapping your foot anxiously as no one answered. You knocked again, a little harder this time. Still, no answer.

You knew they were in there, you were certain. "Harper!" You pushed out of your throat, "I need to talk to you, badly."


"Please!" You felt your throat grow into a knot now, you only hoped they were in there. What could have possibly happened in the last two hours that you've been gone? "Harper? Terrance!"

Just like the other times, nothing. Hovering your fist in front of the door you hesitated to pound on it. bringing your hand back you swung for the door. While doing this the door creaked opened, widening your eyes you stopped yourself. Looking at you with dry eyes was Harper. His brows raised at seeing you.

"H-Harper...can I come in please?" You almost begged, from the way he held the door only slightly opened you had a feeling the words you said next had to be chosen carefully. If you said anything wrong he might shut you out.

"Are you here to pick up your things?"

You raised your brow, puzzled at first but soon remembered you still had your purse and cell phone at the apartment. Considering you had your house phone back at your apartment and hadn't needed to use your wallet or anything else in your purse up at this point you had completely forgot about the items. You figured however that if you said you were here for a different reason he might shut the door on you. Knowing this you nodded your head and spoke again.

"Yes, so can I come in?"

With that Harper shut the door and left you confused. You thought for sure you said things right. You were relieved though as you heard the knob turn again for him to fully open it. Stepping to the side he left you a passage way to the apartment. Breathing in deeply you entered his home.

Stepping in, you noticed how dimly lit the place was. A harsh light in the kitchen shun over a single countertop, on it sat two microwaved dinners, one was fully eaten while the other hadn't been touched. Walking past that you stood in front of the hallway entrance. Watching as Harper went to the living room where it looked as though he had placed all your things neatly on the coffee table. While watching this you could hear a slight sob down the hall, seeing as Harper was in front of you and not crying at all you assumed this sob came from the other brother.

"All of it is over here." Harper instructed you to gather your things and you placed everything back into your bag, it was all accounted for and that really only left you to do one last thing.

"Hey Harper, can we talk?"

Before continuing Harper cut in, "if it's for an apology I'm more than ready to give you one, I-

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