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"T-Terrance it's not what it looks like." You wasted no time trying to defend yourself. But it seemed as though Terrance wasn't listening to a word of it.

Terrance's face suddenly snapped back into the present situation and his eyes furrowed onto his brother. Releasing his tightly gripped fists he prepared them to snatch at his brother. Lunging forward he pushed him off of you and the two of them fell onto the floor.

"No!" He screamed, it was a shriek filled with hatred and dismay, it terrified you. Almost keeping you frozen in place. That was until you saw the things Terrance had dropped. Among them was the apartment keys.

"I won't have you ruin this! Let me keep at least this!" Terrance spat into Harper's face. His fists wrapped tightly onto the shirt his brother wore, almost ripping the fabric in half.

"Don't just stand there! Run y/n!" Harper yelled at you. As much as Terrance wished he had the upper hand, he had no weapons besides his pure hatred for his brother. Considering this Harper reeled his fist back and held no self control when he brought it forward to his brothers face. Terrance didn't let this catch him off guard however. Shaking his head he wrapped his hands around Harper's throat.

You fell to the floor as you scrambled to pick up the keys on the floor and dashed out of the room. This didn't slip pasts Terrance's watch as he stopped trying to strangle his brother and turned to look at the door way you just ran out of. As much as he wanted to rip his brother apart he couldn't care less what happened to him afterwards. You however he couldn't get back if you made it outside. Knowing this Terrance hopped off Harper and chased you.

Almost running into the door you jammed the keys into the lock, shaking as sweat headed down your face. You kept jiggling the keys into the door but they didn't seem to turn. You realized you must have had the wrong one so you started rummaging through all the keys that were on the key ring. Hearing Terrance make his way into the main living room area only made you panic more. You didn't dare turn around to look at him but you knew he wasn't that far behind you. Finally finding the right key you turned it to the side and heard the door click open.

You went to turn the doorknob but you were swiftly picked up as Terrance wrapped his arms around your waist. Screaming you called for help. Looking to your left you saw Harper stumble out of the room and make his way to help you. He pulled you out of Terrance's grip and roughly held onto Terrance.

Now being free you wasted no more time and rushed to the door were you flung it open and ran out. Harper picked Terrance up by the shirt and threw him at the dining table. He crashed into it as it snapped into pieces around him. Harper knew this was his chance to get away too so he went to catch up with you. Without him you would have no idea how to get to the doctors office and at this point you were just aimlessly running away.

Meanwhile you had made it outside and into the hall that was coated in many other apartment rooms. Your feet ran along he carpeted floors fast as you could. You felt a tired smile go across your face. Finally being out of that place, even if it wasn't very far out. You made it to the end of this hall and rapidly pressed the elevator button to the bottom. Anxiously tapping your feet on the ground you looked back and saw Harper making his way toward you, shortly following him Terrance had stumbled out of the apartment as well. The elevator door opened and you rushed inside, waving for Harper to hurry up. He crashed into the elevator wall when he made it in and now you frantically pressed the button to the bottom. Only being able to watch Terrance get closer to you.

Much to your relief the door closed and you heard the thud from Terrance's impact on the entrance. You and Harper were both out of breath and you nervously looked up at him. Not even concerned about the confession you received from him a few moments ago.

"You know where you're going, right?"

Harper looked down at you and in between his deep, quickened breathing he answered. "Of course I do."

You smiled but it faded as your stomach turned upside down. "Terrance could easily be waiting for us at the bottom and there's nothing we could do to avoid it." You stated out loud.

Harper didn't seem fazed by the however. "We'll be in the main lobby, if he tried to do anything to us at this point it would be noticed by somebody." He reassured you.

Holding your breath you waited till the two of you reached the bottom. When you felt the small room come to a sudden stop and the dining of the lobby sound you swallowed your fears down your throat. If Terrance was behind the doors you had to make sure you were ready to doge him and not frozen in fear.

When the door opened you breathed a sigh of relief as no Terrance was there. Harper grabbed your hand and pulled you forward to follow him. The two of you made your way across the main lobby, you felt you might have been stopped as you did look a little suspicious. Wearing no shoes and panting for air. You and Harper passed by the front desk. The man behind it eyed you weirdly, Harper made contact with the man though as to assure him nothing was wrong. The man behind the desk just let out a hmph while he turned his back.

You two quickened your pace as you left the building and made a left. The fresh air was a wonderful sense that you had missed and were for sure to not take for granted again.

"It's only two streets down, thankfully." Harper puffed, keeping his eyes out for Terrance. While doing this he noticed your bare feet and frowned. "Do you want me to carry you?"

"No thank you." You coldly replied. You still weren't completely calmed down from the whole experience that happened not too long ago. The sun was essentially gone and you were glad to see the doctors pharmacy not too far away. You picked up your pace, slipping your hand out of Harper's while doing this.

The two of you entered the main lobby and Harper checked into the front desk while you found a seat to wait in. Not too many other people were there as it looked the pharmaceutical branch of the building was closing soon. Harper then fell onto the seat next to you. You shifted a bit as his build was a little too big for the petite chairs and his arms were brushed up against you.

The two of you sat there in silence. The local news played on the TV that sat in the corner of the room. Nothing exciting, as usual. Although you much preferred the peacefulness considering your past week. It was also good to see that the outside world hadn't ended while you were stuck in Terrance's place. A smile grew on your face as you realized Terrance's well needed help was coming to him. As crazy as he was, he was in desperate need of help. If he could just accept it this time he might be able to redeem himself. As for Harper... you had no doubt in your mind he could get better. Actually you were more sure of him bettering himself than you were of Terrance. You still couldn't help but feel nervous around him now. He was much bigger than Terrance and even bigger compared to you, and from what you've seen, much more forceful and aggressive than Terrance.

You shook your head to remind yourself that Harper had his caring side as well and that you were just overthinking things. That's when Harper finally spoke up, interrupting your thoughts.

"I'm sure you're upset at me for what I did to you earlier." He didn't come to meet your glaze as you looked up at him. "You don't need to feel obligated to help me or Terrance anymore."

This made your face grow in shock. You tilted your head at him. "I can get the medicine from here. Head home, we'll be ok."

You opened your mouth to object but he finally tuned to face you, cutting you off while he spoke first. "I did something terrible to you. Don't tell me I'm forgiven." He breathed in heavily and sorrowfully. "I don't deserve that from you."

You simply stared at him in shock. He looked back at the front of the room and eyed the tiles. "Go."

You were going to protest again but you gulped it down when you found it best to not have a dispute with Harper at this particular time or place. So nodding your head you slowly stood up, walking past him and toward the exit. You looked back at him once more, hoping to catch his eyes again. But he remained fixed to staring at the floor and ignored you as you left the two of brothers.

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