Chapter 6...

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Haley's Pov....

"Okay I am impressed. This fried watermelon is actually good." I commented, taking a big bite out of it.

Ever since Brad got sick on the spinning cups we decided to avoid the rides for now. So instead we went to each food booth and ordered something off the menu. It was a tradition to get something odd that you would never eat before just once at one of the booths.

For me it was fried watermelon. It sounded odd but it was surprisingly good. I had absolutely no clue how they came up with it but hey it somehow worked. Beside me Brad and Annie were sharing a funnel cake.

"It sounds so wrong." Annie commented.

"But tastes so right." I laughed at my own joke as we ambled around the park grounds.

"She is weird." I heard Brad mutter softly to Annie.

"You don't know the half of it." She whispered back.

"I can hear you. And I am not weird!" I took the last bite of my watermelon and turned on them.

"Hales I have been friends with you since Sophomore year in high school, I know you are weird." That is probably true. We have known each other for years now so she has seen me at my worse.

"You love me for it." I grinned. For the first time in a while I was actually enjoying myself. I wasn't worrying about my brother, work, bills, etc. I was letting go for just a moment and it was nice.

"Ms. Gardner!" A little voice yelled. I turned just in time to see a little body fly at me. Somehow I managed to grab and hold her. Sadie from my class grinned widely at me as I held her.

"Sadie." I greeted, smiling back just as wide. I loved all my students but I had a huge soft spot for Sadie. She was just the cutest and sweetest 6 year old I have ever met. Her parents were definitely raising her right.

"Look what I got Ms. Gardner." She held out a bright pink stuffed unicorn, how I didn't notice that before I have no clue.

"She is very pretty."

"I named her Haley, just like you." I felt my insides warm at that. Yet another reason I loved what I do. It was such a great feeling hearing how all the kids loved to come to class and that the parents were glad I was their teacher. It made coming to work a lot better.

"I am honored you named her after me."

"Sadie there you are!" I looked past her shoulder to see her parents coming towards us.

"You can't run off like that sweetie." Sadie's mom looking like she was minutes away from crying.

"Sorry." Her eyes lowered and her lips pouted out. I squeezed her tightly for a second.

"Thank you Ms. Gardner." The relief in their voice sent a small pang through my chest. I missed having someone worry about me.

"No worries." Smiling softly at her parents I turned back to Sadie. "Make sure to stay near your mom and dad okay?"

"Yes Ms. Gardner."

"It was nice seeing you. You go and have more fun with your parents." I placed a kiss on her forehead before handing her over to her dad.

Sending me another thankful look and a wave from Sadie they moved around us.

"Wow she is a cutie." Annie commented from beside me.

"She is. I don't play favorites but she is pretty close."

"You know you aren't suppose to have favorites." Brad butted in, a teasing look on his face.

"Like you don't." Reaching over I smacked his arm making his smile widen. "We both know who your favorite is." I sent him a wink. His face flushed as his eyes darted towards Annie. Like I could miss him sending her looks every few seconds. He liked her. She was probably the only one who didn't notice it.

"Who's up for some games?" Brad suddenly changed the topic. Before either of us could answer he grabbed Annie's hand and tugged her away. I slowly trailed after them watching as Ann smiled like a dork up at Brad. That look sent an ache through my chest and settled in my gut.

I was jealous, no denying it. Whenever I saw some couple kissing together, or an older couple walking down the street together I could not nothing to stop the jealousy and hurt that filled me. I wanted what they had. I wanted someone to look at me like that again.

It isn't like I can't have that, I have just closed myself off to any guy that was interested in the last 6 years. Sure I had a semi serious boyfriend about a year ago but I wasn't that invested in it and apparently he wasn't either. It was on my birthday I found him cheating on me. It hurt but at the same time I couldn't blame him. I didn't give him everything he deserved and I wasn't always there. I was still trying to get over my mom's death at the time which didn't help.

After him I kind of just cut off guys from my life and focused on me. Even if I didn't want to admit it I was still broken from my breakup with my high school boyfriend. Brock Spencer was the guy I thought I would be with forever but things changed and it hurt. Hurt really bad. So instead of focusing on guys I focused on me. I tried to repair myself after my mom and look after Lucas. I found my job at the school that would pay me more than my last job, which was nice so I could pay to send my brother Lucas to college.

It has been a bit since I had a boyfriend or a guy in my life but I didn't care; or at least I pretended that I didn't. I did miss the touch of a guy, I missed going out on fun dates, or cuddling with someone. Missed not coming back to an empty house. But having a boyfriend will be on the back burner...for now at least.

We walked around for a bit longer. I basically third-wheeled as Brad and Annie talked more together than with me, but I didn't mind too much. I was okay with walking silently behind them, letting them have their own moment. Plus I was busy with my own thoughts.

Maybe it was the fact that I was third-wheeling or where I was at the moment but I had old memories popping up in my mind. Memories I wasn't really sure I wanted to think about. I had spent the last 6 years trying hard to forget about the past. It seemed I wouldn't be able to forget about it all that easy.

There are certain moments in your life you won't ever forget. Such as; your wedding day, your first date, your first kiss, your first boyfriend. My first kiss, date and boyfriend were something I haven't been able to forget. No matter how hard I tried I never could erase the face of the person that use to mean so much to me.

"Hey Haley." A voice knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I looked over my shoulder at Annie who called my name.

"Want to get a coffee or something?" It was only then I realized she was huddled into Brad's side and looking freezing.

I went to reply when I suddenly ran right into someone. I stumbled back but righted myself before I could fall and make a fool out of myself. Once I was stable I looked up ready to apologize to the person I ran into.

The words froze on my lips as I looked at the one person I thought I wouldn't see again.

Brock Spencer.

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