Bonus Chapter....

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Song above is...All Of Me by John Legend

The yelling in the stadium was almost deafening. You could just feel the excitement in the air and it sunk into my bones making me more nervous that I was before. All around me people were talking excitedly and yelling but all I could do was stare onto the field, gripping the rail in front of me.

"Are you trying to kill the railing or something?" My brother Lucas asked next to me.

"Shut up." I said through gritted teeth not even looking over at him.

"Don't poke the bear Lucas." Annie, my best friend, said. From the corner of my eye I could see her sending Lucas a look. Beside her Brad, her fiancé, was watching the field like I was. Brad was just as excited to see what was going to happen as everyone else around us.

When the next batter was announced I chewed on my lip nervously. After this guy would be my boyfriend and if things didn't go well for this guy, Brock would have the entire game on his shoulders.

Its been two years since Brock and I got back together. Two full years of making up for all that lost time between us. Sure there have been some hard times for us, with baseball season and me teaching, but we made it work. We never went to bed angry at one another and everyday Brock made sure to let me know he loved me.

We've literally been on cloud nine since the day we got back together. For me it was like everything finally fell into place. After my mom passed I thought I would forever be alone and had to do everything myself, but when Brock came back into the picture he taught me I didn't have to do it all alone.

At first it was hard adjusting to having someone always be there. Someone who I can complain to, who would clean the house, and who would take some of the weight off my shoulders. It took a bit to get over the fact that Brock wanted to help out.

True to Brock's word we worked around both of our schedules. It helped a lot that baseball season was during most of the summer so I didn't have to teach and could come to his games. When he did have games away and I had to work, we called and face timed multiple times a day. It could be hard with him gone but we made do.

And right now all of that was for this moment right here. The Dodgers, Brock's team, and the Houston Astros, were in the final game of The World Series. Yes the World Series. All the tears, the frustration, the hurt shoulder and rehab, was leading up to this moment.

This whole season The Dodgers have done incredible. They were one win ahead of the Astros and if we win this game we win the whole series. So this was the biggest game of Brock's career.

Brock may seem like he is calm and collected but I know for a fact he isn't. Last night he kept pacing through the whole house, he kept staring off into the distance like he was playing the entire game out in his head. And this morning he made sure he had his lucky socks on, his lucky underwear, and basically anything else he wore when he won the games.

I had tried to talk to him and calm him down but he just told me he was fine. I knew better than to push it so I let him be. This was everything he has worked towards and has dreamed of since he was little. There was no way I was going to ruin any of that for him.

Before he left this morning he kissed me so long and hard that my head spun from the intensity of it. I kissed him back just as hard putting everything I felt into that kiss. I wanted him to know that I was proud of him and whatever the outcome he was still the most amazing baseball player and boyfriend anyone could have.

So here we are at the bottom of the Ninth Inning with two batters up, and two bases loaded. Being at home helped with all the fans yelling and cheering for the home team. Because I was Brock's girlfriend he somehow managed to get me, Annie, Brad, and Lucas front row seats to all the games. On the other side of Lucas was Brock's parents as well.

Rekindled LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora