Chapter 17...

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(Warning! Sexual scene ahead. If you don't want to read that skip this entire chapter!!!)

Song: I Was Made For Loving You- Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran 

It took me a second to understand what was happening. The swipe of Brock's tongue against my lips snapped me back and I found myself kissing him back. My hands came up and laced through his hair at the nap of his neck. Gently tugging on it I molded my lips with his.

His hands cupped my face as he kissed me. His lips were just as soft as I remembered. Brock has always been a good kisser but it seemed he had gotten better. Tugging his hair harder, Brock moaned against my mouth, giving me an opportunity to swipe my own tongue against his lips.

Brock's hands moved from my face to run down my back and rest on my hips. He pressed me further into him, not an inch left between our bodies. We kissed each other hungrily.

Eventually we had to pull away to get air. With my eyes still closed I tried to watch my breath, my lips already getting swollen. Brock's forehead rested against mine.

"Damn I have missed these lips." He breathed out. I found myself smiling. I had missed his lips as well. The few guys I had been with were nothing like Brock.

"When do you leave?" I asked softly, slowly opening my eyes.

"Two weeks." He whispered back. Hearing that he wasn't leaving in a few days made me feel better. I didn't want to kiss him only for him to leave the next day. I knew he had to go back sometime but for now I didn't have to worry about that.

"Good." I tilted my head back up and pressed my lips to his once more. This kiss was a little softer than the last one, less angry. Our lips moved in sync with one another. My hands were still in Brock's hair and his own had moved down to cup my ass.

I found myself pressing more into him and raising up on my toes. There was a sudden change as my fingers pulled at his hair harder and his hands gripped my backside firmer. A wave of want washed over me making me moan into his mouth. Brock's tongue twirling around mine was sending shocks right to my core.

Brock sensed the change, his hands moving just under my butt to lift me off the ground. Instantly my legs wrapped around his waist. His lips left mine and trailed down down my jaw. His slight stubble rubbed against my face almost tickling me. Brock continued his path down to my neck.

In no time he found the spot on my neck that drove me crazy. He should remember it considering he was the one who found out that exact spot could make me moan loudly. When his tongue swiped at my neck, my legs tighten around his waist. I had forgotten how good that felt.

"B-bedroom." I panted. I couldn't wait and by the feel of him pressing against my stomach I don't think he could either.

Brock held onto me as he blindly lead us out of the kitchen. A few bumps into the wall later we were at he stairs. I silently cursed having my room upstairs, we could use the couch but who knew when Lucas and Megan would be home. That was a conversation I did not want to have.

"Don't kill us." I breathed out in a laugh. Brock stopped kissing my neck and looked up at me.

"Not until I have my way with you." The wicked smirk he had on his lips made me clench my legs. Peeking over my shoulder he cautiously lead us up the stairs. I couldn't stop from laughing as we slowly made it up the stairs, each one making me bounce in his hold. It probably would have been easier to let me down.

Eventually we made it to the top. Brock was barely panting which had me looking at him curiously. The man was seriously in shape. And I was about to find out exactly what he was hiding under his clothing.

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