Chapter 26--But Really, What Do You Want?

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I ring the doorbell again and again. I know they're inside. I mean, their cars are parked just on the curb which means they're ignoring me. I cross my arms over my chest, trying my best to stay warm. Thankfully, there's no wind. But that doesn't stop the chills from seeping into my jeans.

"Come on guys," I shout. "It's f-f-freezing."

Once the sun sets, it gets really cold. Not to mention it rained early today meaning the humidity is up. I look behind me at the small streetlamp. I took the bus here and I'm not sure when the next one is supposed to stop by.

I finally hear the click of the lock on the door and turn just as Kris opens it. "About time," I glare stepping inside. The warmth of the Misfits' home enveloping me quickly.

"We were arguing on who should get the door," Kris shrugs it off like it's not a big deal. I can perfectly imagine that argument happening. I send her another glare, pulling my coat and scarf off as I hang it on the hook behind the door.

"Good to know you're alive," Dan smirks. His voice sounding a bit off. He's laying back on one of the couches, surrounded by a few beer cans, cold medicine, water bottles, and a lot of used tissues.

"Are you sick?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

To confirm my suspicion, he grabs another tissue and blows his nose. "Fuck colds," Dan mutters once he's done. He snaps his fingers at Kris. "More liquids to stay hydrated, slave."

"I'm not your damn house wife," Kris rolls her eyes but grabs a water bottle for Dan. As much as they argue and joke around, it's clear they love each other. I guess it's what makes their friendship work.

"Do you know how to make chicken noodle soup?" Dan asks me hopefully. Kind of like the way a five-year-old asks his mother for candies.

"Only if it comes in a can or bag," I reply with a sad half-smile.

"Damn," Dan curses. He blows his nose again, unmuting the TV. I take a glance at the screen and see he's watching an old movie.

I frown slightly, "I hate that movie."

"What?" Kris shouts with shock.

I shrug, "Malcolm Dean is overrated."

"How can you not love Manny Dean?" Kris gasps loudly as she shakes her head. She makes it seem like I personally offended her.

Malcolm Dean—a notorious actor that thinks he's all that because he's landed good roles. Sure, he's been nominated for an Oscar, but it wouldn't be the first time. I'll give him credit on some movies only because I think they're original, but overall, he's pretentious. I know a lot of people that are obsessed with him. Frankly, I'm not. I prefer other celebrities.

"He's pretty hot," Dan sniffles. "I mean, for a man his age he looks good. But I love his older movies. Fucking sexy man."

Remembering I'm carrying my purse with me, I pull it off my shoulders and toss Dan a gift I hardly wrapped. "Since you love movies so much," I say as he unwraps it. We all know Dan is a movie fanatic. He has so many that we never buy him any unless he asks for them. This movie on the other hand just came onto shelves which means he shouldn't have it. If he does, I'll just keep it.

"Sweet!" He shouts as best as possible, his excitement clear on his red puffy face. I smile as he shows it off to Kris. "It's Shawn Parris's movie."

Kris grins, taking it from his hands. She looks up at me with the same smile. "We'll watch it once we're done with this one."

"Can I join?" I ask.

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