Chapter 32--The Best Boy You Could Have Asked For

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I got a tan! Can you believe it? I'm actually tanner. Maybe not nearly as tan as Aaron, Parker, and Pierce, but I got a tan.

It was so nice spending time with Aaron again. I know I've mentioned this before, but Aaron truly is my best friend. One of the great things about my group of friends in high school is that years can pass by without us seeing one another, yet when we're finally in each other's company, it's like nothing has changed at all.

Granted, our lives have been absolutely crazy ever since we all graduated.

Not only did I get to see Aaron, but I got to make new friends too. It was great talking to Pierce again—I hadn't seen him in so long. Then of course there was Parker, who made me realize just how perfect she is for Aaron. If I'm not invited to their wedding in the near future—as a groomsman—I'll be pissed.

"We'll be landing shortly Mr. Williamson." The overhead intercom echoes with the pilot's voice.

I buckle my seatbelt and look outside the window. Everything looks so small from up here. Sometimes I wish I could just stay up in the sky. Look down at everything and realize how small and insignificant everything looks. From up's not possible for something down there to even remotely hurt me.

Except a missile...but that's not the point I'm trying to make.

"Would you like anything else Mr. Williamson?" The flight attendant who works on my dad's private jet asks.

I smile at her, "I'm fine. You can call me Lo by the way."

She returns my smile, grabbing my empty champagne glass before retreating to the back of the plane.

I watch out the window as we descend. Each foot closer to the ground making me more anxious. I'm not exactly sure what to do now that I'm back home. My little vacation away was exactly what I needed, but now that I have to face reality again, I'm not so sure I can handle it...well.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and biting my lip ring nervously. Aaron offered great advice and references to me. He—and even Parker—made me promise to take more care of myself. This included the "change" Parker was talking about and a really good psychologist Aaron managed to book for me.

I can do this. I repeat in my head as I feel the tires of the plane touch down. I can do this.

I grab my bag as we pull into the private wing of the airport and I pay my goodbyes and thanks to the staff on-board. As soon as the doors open, I step out and hold my hand over my eyes to block away the sudden sunlight. When I finally adjust, I look down and recognize my sisters Porsche parked just at the bottom of the staircase.

Veronica—who is leaning against her car—comes towards me and meets me half-way. She's smiling brightly, putting her sunglasses on her head. I take a quick look at my sister—stylish as always—with high boots and a Burberry trench coat.

As soon as I'm in arms reach, I pull her into a tight hug. "I missed you Vero." I muffle against her even though I'm not sure she can hear me with the background noise of other aircraft taking off and landing.

I know I was only gone a few days, but Veronica and I talk frequently—especially when one of us is going through a rough patch. Depression was always pushing me away from my family, but Vero always stuck with me. If I tried to push her away, she'd just rebound harder. Honestly, it's like trying to throw a ball out into an open field only for it to come back and smack you across the face. That's how aggressive Veronica was with me. But I'm glad she did it anyways. There were definitely some moments I needed those slaps.

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