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3rd February 2014

It wasn't as bad as everyone says it is. I knew everyone was treating us all like the new toy. At first we were shiny and fun to play with, but after a while we would become this disgusting object that you wish you never bought. That may be an exaggeration, the kids at school seemed nice... too nice. I can only hope they keep up this façade till I graduate... in six years.

4th February 2014

Well that was nice while it lasted. The seniors were already fed up with us. People say that moving into high school is just like moving into Kindergarten, only you have pimples, say awkward things and have a lot more people judging you.

My year seemed nice enough, we got our lockers today and no one was complaining about location. Mine was right next to the canteen, can't argue with that. Although it is the area with the most foot-traffic. I have to shove and claw my way to the locker, God forbid I get the wrong book and have to do it all over again.


The rattling of my locker made the nearby students take a step away from me, afraid it was going to fall on them. I tried a different approach. Instead of shaking the locker like someone trying to shake a vending machine, I would shake the lock, like some crazy person trying to shake a smaller vending machine in their hand.

"Need any help?" The boy standing next to me asked.

"Yes please," I stepped aside, the pleading in my voice seems obvious. He was my saviour.

"What's your combo?" At first I was cautious of giving out my locker combination to anyone and everyone but if I couldn't get into my locker, that's another story. I handed him my little slip of paper with three numbers on it. Like magic he took the paper, swirled my lock around and opened it making my jaw drop.

"Whoa, you make it look easy." He handed me the paper back and continued at his own locker next to mine "Thank you so much."

"No problem," he replied with a smile.


5th February 2014

I had history today, my third day of high school and I knew it would only get worse if I had this teacher as a permanent one. He couldn't finish a sentence. He would talk about one thing then suddenly talk about a completely different topic. You blink and his thoughts disappeared. However, today wasn't all bad. Some boy at my locker was so nice today, I couldn't get my lock open and he helped me. His smile made me feel all gooey inside. I honestly love this guy.

Week 1, Term 2, 2015

I honesty hate this guy. I've known him for over a year and he cannot get less horrible. If my blog wasn't anonymous I would scream his name on here, tell you all where he lives and how to find and destroy him. He's done it again. It's the first week of year 8 and this bitch thinks he is the hottest guy in my year. He won't stop talking about himself. I hear his name in class, then at recess, then see him at my locker with girls either side of him, then again in class, and lunch. UGH JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.

I have a solution... I'm going to turn this blog into an online burn book just about this guy. This is going to be so much fun. All I need is a secret name to call him.

xx Comment what you think it should be.


"I can't believe he did this," Rosie says in my ear. "He is going to pay." My friend Rosie was referring to the horrid display in the girl's bathroom. I don't know how he did it, but it was definitely him... Cameron Tanner.

"Cameron has a certain aroma surrounding him that only," I stick out my pinkie as if sipping tea and put on a fake English accent "popular people have the privilege to perceive."

The girls' bathroom had toilet paper hanging from the ceiling and a concerning amount of liquid on the floor. Closer inspection by a teacher found it to be water. However the thought definitely counted towards something. It definitely made my hate for Cameron grow just a little further than yesterday.

All female year 7/8 students had to use the 9/10 bathroom. The year 9's and 10's weren't too pleased about it either.


Week 7, Term 4, 2015

So Greg and I have had this fighting going on all year. He does something stupid that annoys me, I annoy him back. It's a hate-hate relationship compared to a love-hate relationship. Although I do love to hate him.

Yesterday Greg put sticky tape surrounding my locker so now I can't open the door even if I wanted to. All of my prized possession live in my locker. MY BOOKS. My plan is to get back at him, if he was going to make my life hell, I was going to take him down with me. All I need is glue, Photoshop and a shit load of picture with Nicholas Cage's face on them.

"It will have blood; they say, blood will have blood" –Banquo in Shakespeare's Macbeth

Week 9, Term 4, 2015

It's the last week of Year 8 and I'm so excited for next year. I have eight weeks of holidays to read books, write stories and plan all of next year's pranks for Greg. He won't know what hit him. I may have to cut back on the pranking next year, only because my grade are starting to slip, but in my opinion, it's 100% worth it.


Sitting on the edge of my bed with my feet dangling below was the only position in which I could plan my evil plot against my arch nemesis. We used to talk when we were at our lockers, now we plan ahead of time so we don't need to see each other's face. Most of our pranks were more annoying than actually causing damage. It's not like we wanted to kill each other. Although sometimes I dreamt of it.

Our pranks were generally easy to clean up, take down or hide. The only exception was the toilet paper scandal, but he learnt from his mistake when he was suspended for a week. The whole school is aware of our pranks, it has gaining quite a lot of attention, they expect them to become bigger and better, however this means they need more time planning and they happen less frequently.

That's why I'm taking the time out of my holiday to plan all of year 9's pranks. Between asking google questions and talking to Rosie on the phone, I think I have an amazing year planned ahead.

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