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The rest of the day I spend studying for my maths test and finishing off some English work I have to do. English is my favourite thing ever, I love to read and write, but just thinking about Tanner being in my class makes me sick. This whole time we was posing as Andrew. I asked if it was him and he confirmed.

I opened up my laptop to check, make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Nightfire01- Yeah, Andrew from Year 12, I notice you around school all the time.

And there it was. Proof. That Tanner is a liar.

The only thing I could do to get my mind off him was surprisingly listen to Pig Latin. After all these weeks, I haven't sat down and listened to them in a while. However it did get me angry about my lack of drumsticks.

I called Rose.

I told her she should call Max. Apparently last night after we stopped talking, she called Max and they had a fight about using each other, then after that, Max called Tanner and ranted at him, then Tanner called me in the middle of the night and asked to meet up.

I know why she's hesitant at first, because he 'betrayed' her. But I told Rose that she did the same thing, and that you should just forgive each other.

After our half an hour long phone call, she told me she would call Max. Two hours later when I get a call back, and Rosie's voice is up a decibel, I know they spoke and she's excited about it.

The two had a long conversation about how sorry they were and how much they miss each other blah, blah. When Rosie explained it to me, I didn't really want to hear the details. She was in love and happy, and I had just found out that Andrew was never interested. But I didn't want to spoil her moment so I didn't tell her.

I actually got a lot of work done on Sunday. My parents came back around 7pm and I had started all my subject study notes. I felt proud. Sitting down at my desk and focusing on school really helped me keep things in perspective.

Whatever's happening to me right now feels like the end of the world, I'll never escape this life, but in reality, when I focus on work, I think about academics, and work, and university, and meeting new people, and the last thing I'll be thinking of is my missed opportunity with Andrew.

Driving to school on Monday was interesting. I had English today, meaning I would see Tanner. But it was strange because I wasn't freaking out about it. In fact I felt calm. Rosie clearly had no idea and though everything was normal. When we met up with Max in the morning, he seemed great, happy as ever. I let the two wonder off without me being a third wheel.

I spent the extra time before class organising my locker. It was messy, I just wanted change.

"I'll come back," Tanner says when he sees me and turns around with his bag.

"No Tanner, its fine." He slowly turned back around, squinting his eyes, trying to understand my sarcasm.

I moved over and pulled my locker door in, half way between mine and his. "I'll seriously come back, its okay."

"Seriously, it's fine." I had just finished with my locker anyway, I grab my books and head to class.

"I'll see ya," I turn back around to face him then walk to class. The second I walk out of view, my whole mindset resets itself and I realise how mad I am at Tan. I'm not turning around now, that would be weird, right? I'll just wait till lunch or something.

Period one- Mathematics went on perfectly. It was during period two- Business Studies that I got an email from Mrs Haft.

Dear Class,

During last period today when we have English I would like all of you to begin the class by sitting somewhere and with someone you normally don't. This is to help when writing our pieces today. I'll explain more in class.

Mrs Haft.

Teachers. Always vague.

I'll just have to make sure I don't sit next to Tanner. But first, recess.

"I'll be right back," is what Rose said to me ten minutes ago when she left to find Max, no doubt she found him. However this left me stranded in the quad waiting for her to return. I look around at the people and the structure, the popular, the funny, the shy, they all tend to sit together.

The whole back wall of the quad was once filled with posters, now it holds signs about Valentine's Day, where to buy flowers and what chocolates 'really mean'. Valentines was tomorrow not that it made a difference to my day at all. All it meant was my parents would be going out to some fancy restaurant and leaving me behind with the Domino's phone number.

I made my way to Biology before the bell had rung, considering I had nothing better to do. Turning the corner I face my worst nightmares, which surprisingly wasn't Tanner. Seeing Andrew in the flesh however reminded me of the conversation Tan and I had in the car.

"Hey Andy," I try and start a conversation as we walk past each other.

"Do I know you?" He walks past and keeps heading straight while I turn back to reflect and what the fuck just happened. He doesn't ever know who I am. The guy I've been obsessed with my entire school life doesn't know who I am.

I made a strange exhaling sound and stood in the middle of the corridor. I probably could have stayed there forever until a random teacher walked by and I had to look like I was doing something productive.

Seeing Andrew made me think about the fact that it was never Andrew I was talking to but Tanner. 'How messed up is that? He saw my blog and.... OH SHIT! He saw my blog. NO NO NO.

My last post I said I was over him. Soon he'll be asking just like Ross Geller "Over me. Over me. When were you under me?"

My whole life has gone to shit and I have English in two periods.

Stealing from the Bad Boy [completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ