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A/N Just an FYI. I have changed Cameron's name to Tanner (his last name) just because it sounds more 'cool' I won't go back through all the old chapters and change the name, however from now on it will state Cameron as Tanner and Cam as Tan.

I forgot to set an alarm last night but my father knocked on my door 10 minutes before my phone should have.

"Are you up?" He yelled through the door.

"Yeah," I jump to my feet and scramble to hide any evidence of last night's sequence. Mainly my outfit and shoes.

"Good," he walks in "because your mum and I are going out to brunch."

"Okay?" I ask, why did I need to know this.

"Jacqui is coming around," he pauses. "Did you forget?"

Holy shit I forgot. "No," I exaggerate as look through my wardrobe to find something to wear. "How could I forget?"

"She'll be here in around 20 and you better be up. I'll leave money on the counter of you want to go shopping or what not."

I smiled, I haven't seen Jacqui in a while and I'm pretty excited. We always make the best of our time, go shopping, and play mini golf, or see a movie.


When I open the door to greet Jacqueline with a wide smile, it isn't returned, as she has tears dripping down her face and mascara smeared along the sides.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" My initial reaction was to check her up and down for any missing organs or gashing blood.

"Jon...a...thon," she starts stammering and crying. I usher her inside and shut the door behind her.

"Take a seat," I point in the general direction of the living room and she doesn't need to be told twice. "What happened?"

"It's a week till Valentine's," she avoided. "How could he do this me?"

"What did he do?" My fists clench up. "I'll hurt him."

She stumbled a little, hopping up on the high chair. "Don't date musicians. If there's one thing in life I ever..." she began crying again. "I just don't know anymore."

"Shh. It's okay," I comforted her and pat her on the back. "Boys are stupid."

We nodded in unison for a moment and she wiped her tears with some tissues I fetched.

"Jonathon's an idiot for whatever he did," I pause for a moment. "He doesn't deserve you."

Jacq nods.

"I remember when I met him at Easter a while back, all he talked about was himself."

Jacq nods more enthusiastically. "And his music."

"And his music," I was glad she was talking.

"What about you," she twisted in the chair and lifted her head up. "How are you going?"

"I'm fine," I quickly answer, "but are you sure you're okay?"

"Listen Nat, talking about your problems will help me forget about mine."

"Well my love life is probably just as bad as yours, I was stood up on Friday by the man of my dreams."

"Tanner stood you up?"

"Ew, no. Andrew did."

"Shit, I'm sorry. So you and Tanner aren't..."


"So what are you?"

If I were to answer any questions about my love life I wouldn't know where to being. Jacqui is basically my sister, although she's my cousin. I don't have any siblings meaning the skype calls and the texts between us happen regularly. We would constantly talk about Tanner, she would always say that he did it because he has a crush on me.

I refused to believe this.

People say that the little boys on the playground would pull on the little girls' pigtails because they wanted the girls' attention, however, some little boys were just mean.

"Well, it's a long story, you got all year?"

Jacq smiles in reply. "Got any hot chocolate?"

I stand and start mixing up two cups of cocoa. "I'll give you the brief explanation. So, it's the last day of school," I shut my eyes and picture it in my head. "I'm so excited for Freddie Blac, Rosie and I can barely contain ourselves. At the end of the set, Freddie holds up his drumsticks." I hold up two spoons above my head just as Freddie did. "And he threw them into the crowd."

I put the spoons down and slide a mug over to Jacq.


"I got one and he got the other," I smiled, I don't know why.

"Aw, you two are too cute."

"What?" I raised my eyebrows. "Cute? He's the most annoying person ever."


I shake it off. "The first day back, he put up all these signs wanting it back. I of course told him I had it... of course." It hit me. That's how he knew I had it. He knew I had it this whole time. "I can't believe him."

"What? Tell me," she was way too excited.

"From the beginning he knew I had it. But he wanted me to think I thought he didn't know I had it."


"I tried to steal Tanner's stick because he wanted mine. I didn't know he knew I had it."

"So you stole his?"

"No, he took mine."

"Okay," she elongates.

"And now he wants to talk to me about something."

"What," she looks up suddenly from her hot chocolate with a smile on her face. "You have to see him."

"What? No."

"When was this?"

"Uh, last night," I scratch my head. "But I doubt he still wants to see me. He said I could punch him." My mind ran off about my dad and throwing up and that weird movie trivia and...

"When does he want to see you?"

Jacq pulled me out of my thoughts, "He didn't say, I mean, we have school tomorrow, maybe I'll just see him then."

"Or maybe you should call him."

"No way." Jacq sees my phone on the island bench, she makes eye contact with me then lunges for the phone. "Jacq no!"

"I'll ring him for you." My password has been the same as far as I can remember. 8068- The most uncommon pin. Of course, Jacq know my password making it completely useless.

"Wow, he called you pretty late." I'm leaning over her and she has her arm extended away from me. "Oops," she presses the dial button.

My mouth drops open. "Jacq, oh my God."

"It had to be done," she passes it back to me, I'm about to end call when I hear Tanner on the other end.

Stealing from the Bad Boy [completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin