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A/N. Don't forget to Like, Comment and SHARE. Merry Christmas guys!

All students do in class is play games and watch movies on their laptops, only this week it was acceptable behaviour, it just got to a point where the teachers didn't care anymore. We were both mutually giving-up.

These last few lessons were spent with Rosie and me talking about all kinds of crap before the holidays. We normally talk hours on end during weekdays and ends, but these holidays she was going overseas to see some distant family.

"I know Nat, I'm sorry. I wish I could take you with me."

"At least we have these few days before you leave. Pig Latin could be like a 'bon voyage' party," I say trying to lighten the mood. This is the first time we will be away for so long. We both pause for a bit, as if she is remembering the first day we met as I am.

It would have been the first few days of High school and we had to perform in-front of the class with a mini presentation of ourselves. Rosie Harper was alphabetically before me, Natalie Hart. I had no idea what to write about, so I talked about the obvious.

That I had a very caring mother and father and was an only child. My favourite band was Pig Latin and that I wanted a dog. It was very simple and very boring.

However, in comparison to Rosie's full presentation with pictures of cousins, grandparents, holidays, sports etc., I looked like a complete fool.

After my presentation, I sat down next to her, I thought she was going to be the meanest person in the planet and make fun of me... all she said was. "I want a dog too."

And that's how we became inseparable.

"It won't be a Bon Voyage, I'll be back in four weeks just before term starts," Rosie says filling the silence between us.

"It just won't be the same without you, that's all."

"Alright ladies and gents, class is over, I'm expecting the work you didn't complete in class to be handed in next lesson," Mrs Lambert announces to the class that has already started to leave. We weren't waiting for the bell to dismiss us if she's too deaf to not hear it ring.

Rosie and I walk passed a whole hallway filled with poster for Friday, someone must have gone around and put the posters up everywhere. Pig Latin was titled 'THE BEST BAND EVA'.

"Wow, someone excessive," I say out loud while my brain agrees with the statement.

"Don't act like you wouldn't have done that either." I laugh in response I probably would have.

I could hear her phone ring. "My brothers here, I'll call you." I wave and walk in the other direction while she runs towards the carpark, her blonde hair swinging side to side.


"Honey, I'm home," I announce as I walk through the door to no one.

Both my parents work late, and being an only child means the house can get eerily quiet. Our stereo echoes through the entire house and today... I was in the mood for some Pig Latin. I bought there album during year 8, back when I collected CD's like a loser.

Humming tune after tune I throw something from the freezer into the oven, I re-enact the scene from home alone, when he sits down for dinner... only I actually eat the dinner and my house isn't invaded by thieves.

I'm sitting in my room reading 'Jane Eyre' when I hear my dad's car accelerate up the driveway. Usually by this time of day, I can't be bothered to address his presence, I'd rather pretend to sleep and by the time my mother arrived, I would actually be asleep.

He walks through the house, his voice yelling over the phone, pacing up and down the hallway. He doesn't acknowledge I'm here, so why should I to him. Dad is a business man meaning he could be in the middle of anything but if he gets a call, he answers it.

My mother on the other hand, completely overcompensates b asking about every detail of my life, the majority of the time I tell her the exact same thing every day. 'It was fine, no different than yesterday.'


atalienay _blog entry

Week 9, Term 4, 2017

Lilly and I are so excited about the concert later today, PIG LATIN. Are you kidding? My freaking username is because of them. Nothing will ruin today. Even if Greg and his minions will be there. At least I won't see them till next year (everyone needs pray that they won't be in any of my class.)


No one handing in the paper we were supposed to for Mrs Lambert. No one cared. No one did work. No one stopped talking. Everyone was going to concert, besides the juniors of course.

Rosie was the DD, Designated Driver. She isn't too fond of drinking considering the last time she did, she needed her older brother to pick her up who expected many favours in return, some of which she is still paying.

She seemed a bit too pleased about it when we were getting ready for the concert, we were at her house, I hadn't even told my parents there was a concert, and I hadn't had the opportunity to.

Rosie had this sky blue t-shirt that I was jealous of, I put anything against my skin tone, and it looks disgusting. I had this red crop top on.

"Oh My God, Rose," I yell and point at ourselves in the mirror.

"What? What?" she sounds panicked.

"We look like Elsa and Moana," I laugh at her seriousness. There was this massive joke around school that I looked like Auli'i Cravalho, soon, Cameron made sure everyone sang 'How Far I'll Go' when I walked by. That got old very quickly.

"Jesus," she hits me with the makeup brush she is holding. "You scared me."

"Okay, I need you to do my makeup because I am hopeless," she looks at me knowing.

"I know, honey. Prepare for the best montage of a makeover ever."


I squeal when I see the result. I actually look like a different person. I got butterflies, I might see Andrew who was in year 11. He had no idea I existed. I know people day that, but he actually identified me as one of his younger sister's friends. If he sees me tonight, not only will he realise I'm a senior, but also pretty dang good looking thanks to Rosie.

"Thanks Rose."

"You look beautiful," I start to blush. "He's going to notice you one-hundred percent," she whispers as she looks at me through the mirror.

She pats me on the shoulder. "Let's go, we don't have all day Moana."

"Shut up Ice queen, I'm getting my bag."

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