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atalienay _blog entry

Week 1, Term 1, 2018

I can't believe it is 2018, I swear I was celebrating and fearing 2012 just yesterday. A long year of last minute essays awaits. The prank battle between Greg and I has surprisingly stopped, I have no idea how long that will last however, something tells me another war will break out soon.

Rosie hung up on me two seconds after I started calling her.

N- u ok, y u hang up?

R- I'm texting Max, sorry ;(

My cheeks hurt from smiling, that is too cute. It's been two days since she got the number and they are already late night talking.

N- AHHH have fun. Night x

R- Calm down we are just talking J

N- It better stay that way. Don't do anything I wouldn't do

R-Hello, it's me. Of course not.

I didn't want to interrupt her texting for one moment longer, instead I began working on the homework I got from yesterday which I'm not too pleased about. I've always struggled with Trigonometry and the last thing I'd do is ask my parents for help.

It always ends in some argument between my mother and father about which method is right, often they are both correct and I try to explain that to them. Like talking to a brick wall.

The stereo alternated between genres as the Top 100 of 2017 played and echoed through the house. Mum was working all day yesterday and needed to work late again today meaning I was eating dinner alone again. However, it gave me ample time to plan and prepare for the best heist seen since Ocean's Eleven.

Considering I've been feeling lazy all week, I went for a long walk after dinner leaving a note that I'd be back soon. Although I knew I'd be back before either of my parents were. I can't complain really, a lot of kids don't have parents that work and would kill to be in my position, but sometimes I felt...lonely.

I listen to the stereo to block out the quietness, not to enjoy the music, that's just a bonus. To be honest I've gotten used to the quiet and every time I walk into school I have to prepare my ears for noise. Walking between light and darkness as I pass the streetlights is exactly what I need. Just to calm down, about Cameron and Rosie and Max and my parents and Andrew and whatever else I'm forgetting.

I stopped walking when I realised where I had gone to. I had walked right by Andrew's house unintentionally. They still had their Christmas lights up unlike every other house in the neighbourhood. The reason I knew where he lived was when he threw a big end of year party, I of course wasn't invited.

Rosie and I drove by it when we were wondering where all the noise was coming from, he lives pretty far to drive to but from eye view he lives right behind me. However this time when I walk down the street there is a fourth of the amount of cars on the road and zero teenagers passing out.

I'm somewhat glad I don't get invited to those parties, all of the pranks with Cameron haven't made me the most likeable person and no one wants to betray Cameron or his posse. I didn't want to end up the person who didn't know who their real friends were or being the middle of a practical joke.


"Hey Rose, how's Max?"

"He's fine," she laughed at my straightforwardness. "I just wanted to call you to tell you we are going to meet up after school so you won't be able to come to mine"

"Oh that's fine." In the distance a car's alarm went off.

"Where are you?"

"Just taking a walk."

"Okay, well be safe.

"I will, you too."

"See you."

The car alarm stopped and the beating of my heart grew, I felt like I was in the beginning scene of a horror film, about to be chased by a man with a chainsaw. I ran back home and tried to weave in and out of the cars as much as I could. Anyone who saw me would think I was genuinely being chased by a rabies infected dog.

I was running up my steep driveway when two headlights followed me up, my adrenaline filled body immediately freaked out and thought it was an abducted searching for a victim, until the car rolled forward and her father's face became visible.

Thank God for that. At least I got a good run out of it. I will need to icepack my thigh after running into a rubbish bin.


While I knew Rosie and Max would be out all afternoon, I let them have a day to build trust before I let the spying commence. I felt really bad for making her do this, but I know that he would be forgiving, plus he should be mad at me, not Rosie and I was completely fine with Max not liking me, just like Cameron.

'Operation Freddie Blac' would soon start, however I did need some information that would be too suspicious if Rosie asks Max, she simply couldn't ask him what his work schedule was and how long he would be out of his for. That was my job.

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