busy || yoongi

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summary : yoongi have always been busy with his work that he didn't notice you were craving for his love. although you dropped hints that you needed him, he could only focus on his work from day to night.

genre : angst/fluff

word count : 1,241

a/n ; this is very rushed and unedited so eek i moved it from my blog nonetheless enjoy reading !!


"Yoongi!" You pushed yourself off the couch and jumped on your two feet, running towards Yoongi who just came home from an exhausting day at work. It was rare of him to be home, usually he'd spend the night at the studio working on his new tracks or he'd be practicing with his members.

Wrapping your arms around him, you pulled Yoongi into a tight hug, but you realised he was unresponsive. "Yoongi?" You slowly released him, gazing up at his face, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," he mumbled expressionlessly while dropping his bag onto the floor.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and tiptoed to give him a kiss, hoping you could make him feel better knowing that he was probably feeling down, but his lips were unyielding. You pulled away disappointedly, pouting and your hands quickly dropping to your sides. "I guess you must be really tired," You mumbled.

"I'm sorry, I'll go take a shower," he said, unaware that you were quite upset at how he was acting towards you that night.

You sighed heavily. These days, Yoongi had been too caught up in his job that he probably haven't been thinking of you. Whenever you asked if he would like to go out on a date with you, he'd reject the offer and tell you that he wants to sleep instead. At times when you feel the desire to have him beneath you, or feel his touch, he wouldn't even get aroused even though you tried ways to tease him.

You wondered if the relationship could last any longer with him being so distant from you. He's always busy, or tired. You had never showed your true feelings to Yoongi because you thought that it was okay to bottle up your feelings, as long as you're hurting alone.

After Yoongi had his shower, he came out of the bathroom whilst drying his hair with a towel then tossing it onto a chair before climbing onto bed beside you.

He's so close, but why does it feel like he's so far away?

Yoongi pulled the blanket over, his back facing you and you supposed he was already dozing off to sleep. "Yoongi?" You called him in a whisper.

"Hmmm?" He hummed in response, but still had his back facing you. You were even surprised that he actually did respond to you despite the fact that he had been acting as if you were invisible to him all these while.

"You're just gonna sleep?" You asked, "Don't you wanna talk to me?"

"I'm really tired," he said before yawning.

"Oh," you momentarily pursed your lips in attempt to hold back your tears, "Sleep well."

There was a large gap between the two of you, that it could possibly fit another person on the bed. Your heart felt numb, staring at Yoongi in the dim night light as he was soundly asleep. Unknowingly, tears welled up in your eyes, before running down your cheeks and seeping through your pillow. You didn't exactly know why you started crying. Using one of your hands to cover your mouth, you attempted to muffle your sobs but Yoongi must've heard you that he got woken up from his sleep.

He turned around to face you. "[Y/N]?" Yoongi called, squinting to look at you clearly.

You immediately shut your eyes close to stop any more tears from falling, pretending you were asleep. Moments later, you felt Yoongi combing back a few strands of your hair that fell in your face before he cupped your cheek with his palm. "Why are you crying?"

You couldn't help but flutter your eyes open, looking into his eyes that were full of worry. Half of you felt touched that he finally got concerned about you, but then you also felt guilty because you knew all he needed was rest. "I'm fine," you smiled through the pain, "I just had a nightmare."

"You sure?" He asked, and you nodded, putting your hand over his that was cupping your cheek and squeezing it before placing it onto his side.

"I'm okay, I'll just go get a glass of water," You said and got off the bed, scurrying out of the room and heading to the kitchen.

Your expressions immediately changed once you flicked the kitchen lights on, breaking into more tears but made sure that your sobs were not loud enough for Yoongi to hear. You weakly walked towards the kitchen counter and rested your palms against it, your head facing down and you just couldn't stop crying.

"You lied," You heard the familiar voice from behind, followed by footsteps walking towards you, "What exactly is going on?"

You wiped your tears with the back of your hand before turning around to face Yoongi. "Yoongi, you must be really tired. Please go to bed. I'm fine on my own," You said, this time unable to even fake a smile at him.

Yoongi got frustrated but he didn't want to hurt you further in any way. He grabbed you by your shoulders, forcing you to look at him. "It will be crazy of me as your boyfriend to leave you crying like this. Please, tell me?"

You sighed, relenting. "Nothing, it's just– do you even love me anymore?"

"Of course I do," He instantly replied, his eyes stay fixated to yours.

"Then why have you not been responding to my calls? You barely hug or kiss me anymore, and it had been long since we last made out. You rarely even talk to me. I don't– I just, I'm really afraid of losing you. I know you're really busy and tired with your work, but I'd appreciate it if you make some time for me," You explained in a long breath.

"[Y/N]... I'm so sorry," Yoongi dropped his hands to your waist, holding you tight and gently pulling you closer towards him. "The director has been stressing me out lately and I can't seem to be doing things right. I couldn't think of anything else but work. It's my mistake that I haven't been a great boyfriend for you, but please know that I still have you on my mind all the time and I love you very, very much."

You felt sorry after listening to his reasons, and you mentally cursed yourself for being selfish. You brought your hands to cup his cheeks, standing on your toes as you gently kissed him. Yoongi immediately wrapped his arms around you even tighter, hardening the kiss slightly. Your heart felt relieved, being assured of his love was all you needed.


"Are you asleep?" Yoongi looked down at you as you lay your head on his chest. You both were finally cuddling closely on the bed, and you were enjoying his presence beside you that you need not say a word.

"Not really," you mumbled.

"I'll take a day off work tomorrow. Let's go on a date, where'd you like to go?" Yoongi asked, absentmindedly intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Yoongi, you don't really have to–"

"Shhh..." He placed his index finger to your lips, "I really want to be away from work. Furthermore, it's been really long since we go out together."

A wide smile stretched across your face as you gazed up at him. Yoongi couldn't help but mirror your smile before placing a kiss on your forehead.

You finally fall asleep, anticipating the date you were having with Yoongi tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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