Chapter One

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After that night five years ago, Harry and Ivy were adopted by Remus and Sirius. As far as they seemed to care, they just adopted Ivy. Harry was more of a person whose only use was to be yelled at and do things that they were fully capable of doing themselves. If it hadn't been for him learning to take care of himself, he probably would have starved to death. They would only have noticed when their next meal wasn't ready.

Peter was in Azkaban. He had gone a year without being caught, until the Weasley's once came over and happened to bring their pet rat along with them. Remus had only noticed it when Percy started complaining that 'Scrabbers' had bit him and was trying to get away. Then Remus noticed just how much the rat looked like Peter's animagus form, he'd been in Azkaban ever since.

Sirius and Remus ended up moving into Sirius' childhood home with the two twins and had remained there since. They had no other uses for the house since the Order of the Phoenix disbanded.

Harry wasn't sure exactly why Sirius and Remus hated him so much. He guessed it was because of how much Harry looked like his father and it was to much of a reminder of their dead best friend.

After Harry came to that conclusion, he resented himself for his apperence. He couldn't even look in a mirror for months. Ivy looked the opposite, she looked almost exactly like their mother. Harry had his fathers brown skin, messy jet black hair, freckles, and bone structure. Ivy had her mothers pale skin, messy red hair, freckles, and bone structure. The only things they had in common was the uncontrollable hair and freckles. However, Harry had eyes just like his mothers in both color and shape. Ivy was the same, with their fathers eyes. While Harry did inherit his mother's eyes apperence, he also inherited his fathers very poor eyesight. He'd just had to get used to it though, his godfathers refused to get him any glasses. Harry didn't want them at first, it meant looking even more like his father, but eventually it got to be a lot and he could hardly see his hand in front of his face clearly. Ivy had perfect eyesight like their mother.

Harry remembered the entire night of Halloween in 1981, he knew that Voldemort had attempted to kill him. However, nobody else knew. Everybody who had heard about that night thought that it had been Ivy. After Dumbledore saw the V shaped scar on her forearm, he announced it had been her. He later noticed the scar on Harry's forehead but he hardly acknowledged it and pretended it wasn't there.

Harry had tried to tell Sirius and Remus since he had been able to put the words to the claim. They didn't believe him and got extremely mad, locking him in his room for hours, sometimes days. They only let him out to go to the bathroom. He eventually decided it was better for people to think it was Ivy and stopped saying anything.

Since he had learned to read, he spent a lot of time learning how to use magic and studying every area of it he could. As far as he could tell, he had studied so far about as much as a fourth year would have learned. They were always to busy fussing over Ivy, they never noticed Harry sneaking into the large library in the house. The library was filled with books on dark magic, he wasn't interested in it but he thought it was idiotic to ignore such a large area of magic. He looked at a few of the books, finding them disturbing. He found the magic to be interesting, that wasn't the disturbing part, the disturbing part was the thought about what people used the magic for. He was sent to a muggle school, Ivy was homeschooled. They didn't want to have to deal with him to.

He was good in school, always the top of his classes. Sirius and Remus didn't acknowledge it. He had a strict routine, he woke up, prepared breakfast, got ready for school, walked there, walked back home, cleaned up whatever messes there were, went to the library, made dinner, cleaned everything else up, then attempted to sleep. Usually, he ended up sneaking back to the library, sleeping was never easy for him. Most times when he actually even was able to sleep, he woke up from nightmares. He didn't everything a house elf would do, they didn't have any. Remus and Sirius had gotten rid of them all because they scared Ivy. It annoyed Harry, they were among the few that were nice to him and helped him.

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