Chapter Eight

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Harry walked up to the common room with Ron and Hermione, already knowing the tricks of the stairs from Hogwarts: A History.

As soon as they got there, a prefect told them where their dorms were, Harry and Ron headed up to theirs while Hermione went to hers. They found that they were sharing a room with Neville Longbottom, who had been to the Grimmauled Place a few times while Harry was there, he remembered hearing his name before. They also shared with Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. Harry hadn't heard of either of them before.

As soon as he walked in, Seamus asked, "Are you really Ivy's twin?" Amazement evident in his voice.

Harry rolled his eyes and chose to ignore the question, only to be asked another, "Why did they ask why you left? Why did you leave?" Seamus was the one to ask, again. Again, Harry ignored it, not wanting to explain the reasons he had left.

"Are you gonna answer me? Are you mute or something?" Seamus asked.

"No, I'm not mute. And no, I'm not going to answer you." Harry replied, annoyance made clear.

"You don't have to be such a douche." Seamus said, sounding mad.

"Sorry." Harry said, blushing when he realized he was being rude. Seamus was expecting him to be being sarcastic but he clearly wasn't.

"Whatever." Seamus replied, annoyance gone.

Harry decided to go down to the common room with Ron for a bit before going to sleep, Ron complained for a second before Harry said he didn't have to go. As soon as Harry said that, Ron made it clear that he wanted to go.

As soon as they entered the room, Harry was bombarded with questions again.
"Are you Ivy's bother?"
"Are you related to Ivy?"
"Did you run away?"
"What's Ivy like?"
"Why did you stand up for the disgusting Slytherins?"
"Why don't you look anything like Ivy?"
"Why did you leave?"

Harry stood there for a second, staring at the people asking him questions. He held up his hands and everyone went silent. He let out an exasperated sigh and started answering, "Yes, I'm related to her, I'm her twin. Don't ask anything regarding why I left, it is none of you business. Talk to Ivy yourself and form your own opinions about her. I stood up for them because, in case you forgot, they are not all evil, and because, in case you forgot, they to have feelings and I personally wouldn't enjoy someone calling me a freak. I don't look like her because she looks like our mother while I look like my father. Now, I would prefer to not be asked tons of questions, it's not fun being put on the spot." He finished and went to sit down on a chair next to the fire, Ron following.

"Wow." Ron said, looking to the people who were still looking at him in amazement. "They seem to want to know tons about you."

"Yeah, this is going to suck, maybe I should put a memory charm on the entire school so they forget I am her brother." Harry laughed.

"Might be your best option." Ron said, smiling. "But McGonagall might take away a few points for that." He added.

"Yeah, just a few. Maybe five." Harry said, grinning back.

"Possibly less." Ron replied, "Maybe two."

"You're over exaggerating, she'll probably take away 0.5 points." He told Ron.

"Maybe less." He answered.

They sat for a bit, talking about how many points McGonagall would take away. Eventually, everyone had stopped staring at them and they went up to bed, Ron already half asleep. Harry apologized for making him go down there to which Ron said that Harry didn't make him but that Ron had wanted to.

The Forgotten Twin | Harry Potter |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat