Chapter Fifteen

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Harry kept a close eye on Quirrell as the days went on. Now, it was the end of April, and Harry was considering confronting someone about it.

Currently, he was sitting at breakfast, the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor quidditch match coming up that day. He was looking at Quirrell while he sat with the other professors.

Recently, Pansy and Blaise, the Slytherins had started to hang out with them after Draco introduced them.

His friends had noticed his change in behavior the last three months, because he now spent much time by himself trying to figure out what Quirrell was doing.

"Harry!" Ron yelled. Harry snapped his head to him.

"Finally, I've been trying to get your attention for five minutes now." Ron said, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry. What's up?" Harry asked.

"They're going out to get ready for the game." Ron told him, looking behind him where he then saw half the quidditch team standing behind him, waiting for him.

"Crap. Sorry." He said, standing up quickly. "See you later." He said to the others as he walked off with the team.

"What's wrong with you Harry?" Oliver asked him.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked him.

"You were spaced out almost the entire time you should've been eating. You can't do that during the game." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I know, sorry." Harry said, trying to clear his head of thoughts about Quirrell.

They walked into the changing room and got into their quidditch robes. Oliver gave his speech. They grabbed their brooms, Harry getting his Nimbus 2000.

When they walked out, the crowd started cheering, same with the Hufflepuffs not long after.

Oliver and the Hufflepuff captain shook hands. They all flew into the air, Harry going above all the others.

He kept a close eye out for the Snitch, he could see the other seeker watching him.

After half an hour, when the score was 40 Gryffindor and 20 Hufflepuff, Harry saw the snitch, far away from either of them, he flew off towards it but the broom stopped.

Then, it went again, flying straight down. Harry tried to pull it back up but he couldn't. Then, the broom shot back up towards the sky.

Most people had stopped and were now looking at him in shock. The broom started zig zagging crazily as if trying to fling him off.

He looked down at Quirrell, who he saw moving his wand ever so slightly, almost invisibly. Behind Quirrell, he saw Snape muttering stuff quickly, his wand in hand, pointing to Harry.

He narrowed his eyes at Quirrell. Then, the broom gave another lurch that almost threw him off. Now, he was just hanging onto it with one hand.

The teachers were running down from where they sat, looking shocked. All but a few, including both Quirrell and Snape.

Harry tried to grab the broom with his other hand but the broom started shaking again. He felt his fingers slowly loose grip and before he knew it, he was falling.

The broom stayed in the air for a second longer before it started falling with him.

He had his wand in his pocket. He was incredibly high up so he had time to grab it from there.

He pointed it at the ground and yelled the cushioning charm, putting all his energy into it to make sure it would work.

Then, seconds later, he hit the ground. It didn't hurt and he was beyond glad to know the charm had worked properly.

The Forgotten Twin | Harry Potter |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang