Chapter 3

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Louis walked into the twins bedroom to wake them up always a danger if they hadn't slept well

"Daisy, Phoebe wake up," Louis said slightly shaking them in their beds.

Daisy woke up first and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"LouLou what's happening," Daisy asked confused as to why Louis wasn't at school.

"We're all gonna got to get some ice cream and go to the park to play," Louis said smiling at Daisy

"Ice cream?!" Phoebe said waking up suddenly

Louis just laughed and nodded

"Lottie will come in a bit to help you guys get dressed alright?" Louis said as he smiled at both of his 5-year-old sisters

"Alright LouLou" Daisy said beginning to get up

Louise left the room and went upstairs to go check on Fizzy and Lottie.

While he was walking up the stairs he checked his phone to check the time. Now in the hallway, he bumped into a strong chest and looked up to see Mark

Louis clenched his jaw as Mark began to speak

"Hey Lou why aren't you at school," Mark said confusion evident in his voice

"Decided not to go today" is all Louis said

"Oh I um guess that's alright," Mark said scratching the back of his neck

"Are the girls still here?" Mark asked

"Ya they're not going to school either I'm taking them out," Louis said still clenching his jaw

"Hey now Lou you can't just do that they can't just miss school whenever they want they have to have a reason," Mark said

"Well maybe trying to cheer Fizzy up since you're drunk ass slapped her last night is reason enough!?" Louis snapped at Mark

"Louis.." Mark said remembering what he did last night

"Ya, whatever" Louis said pushing him aside to walk into Lottie and Fizzy's room.

He stepped inside to find Lottie doing Fizzy's hair

"Hey Louis we're almost ready," Lottie said tying a hair tie to the end of her sister's hairdo

"Thanks Lottie, can you help the twins get dressed?" Louis said looking around the room

"Sure," she said calmly

"Alright Fizzy I'm done," she said releasing Fizzy's hair

"Fizzy wait in the car won't you," Louis said wanting to talk to Lottie alone

"Sure Lou," she said and skipped out the door

"Lottie how are you feeling," Louis asked worriedly

"Fine I guess I mean I never thought Dad could do something like that" Lottie says sitting on the bed

"You think you know someone then they just surprise you by doing something you never thought they would do" Lottie continued

"Ya, I just keep thinking what if I wasn't there to stop Mark? What if I came a minute later? Would Mark continue to hit her?" Louis said sitting next to Lottie on the bed

"I don't know Lou I don't know," Lottie said simply
They arrived at the ice cream parlor and ordered their ice cream now all the Tomlinson children were sitting on a bench watching people walk by

"You like your ice cream Fiz?" Louis asked watching a man order food

"Yup it's SOO good" Fizzy responds

"My ice cream is really good LouLou want some?" Daisy asked

Louis just nodded knowing this was Daisy way of telling Louis that she was full.

After a while of just sitting there, Louis finally asked where they wanted to go next

"Can we go to the bakery, Lou?" Phoebe asks jumping up and down

"Course," Louis said laughing and leading the girls to the bakery

They entered the bakery and were overwhelmed by the smell of delicious cakes and cookies

"Alright, girls pick out one thing then bring it back to me so I can pay alright?" Louis said letting go of the girl's hands

The girls ran off as soon as he let go. Louis doubted they had heard what he said

"Cute girls you got there Louis, are they your sisters," a voice said behind Louis

Louis turned around so quickly he may have gotten whiplash

"Zayn what are you doing here?" Louis said his voice already starting to shake

"Came to visit my boy he works here," Zayn said shrugging

"Oh alright I'll just go find my sisters now," Louis said as he began to walk away

"Nah Louis come back here," Zayn says pulling Louis back

"Zayn please don't do anything here it'll frighten my sisters," Louis says his heart racing

"Louis, who do you think you are telling what I can and can't do?" Zayn says his voice beginning to get aggressive

"Zayn? Hey" says a husky voice behind Louis

Zayn looks at the person and says
"Sup Harry decided to drop by to say hey"

"Oh alright I'm almost done with my shift why don't you wait outside" the boys who's name is Harry says

Zayn nods and leaves

Louis turns around and his breath hitches in his throat. He suppresses a gasp

In Louis opinion, he's facing the actually most beautiful person in the world. He has beautifully tanned skin and curly brown hair that's in a quiff. His eyes are a beautiful shade of emerald green and when he smiles at Louis he reveals dimples that make Louis wanna cry at his beauty

The boy whose name is apparently Harry walks away into a backroom leaving Louis to stand there awestruck

Louis shakes his head

Why am I having these thoughts I'm straight right? Am I straight I mean I've never liked anyone before Louis thought to himself

Just then his thoughts are interrupted by Louis sisters calling his name

"Louis?" Lottie says

"Huh? Oh ya put the food on the checkout" Louis says picking up Phoebe and Daisy

Louis pays for the food and they head home

Once he's at home he lays in bed staring at the ceiling and his mind wanders back to the bakery boy

Zayn and Harry are friends!! What I didn't expect that kidding. I wrote if so... When I was writing the last paragraph I was thinking of Miss You by Louis and I guess that's why I put staring at the ceiling.
1028 words

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