Chapter 28

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*Harry's POV* 🐸

"What do you mean I should listen to him?!" I say angrily over the phone

I laid in my desk chair on the phone with Niall. He was telling me to talk to Louis. What had changed?

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you. Talk to him" Niall says unreasonably

"Why are you taking his side! After everything he did to me?" I tell him feeling hurt

"There's more to the story then you know." He answers

"If you honestly think that could be true I don't want to talk to you either," I say hanging up on him.

Just as I think it's over I hear a ding from my phone

From Liam: Hey Harry you should talk to Louis. There's an explanation for all of this. Trust me

I throw my phone across the room. It lands on my carpet with a thud. Suddenly I see Gemma peak her head into my room

"Hey what's wrong? Why'd you throw your phone?" She says coming to sit next to me

"My asshole friends keep trying to convince me to talk to Louis. Because apparently, he has an explanation" I say feeling betrayed

"Well, then you should talk to him if he can explain everything. Even if he can't you deserve answers Harry." She says looking at me

"Not you too. Just please leave me alone." I say getting up to open the door for her

"Just think about it Alright?" She says as she leaves

I lay back on my bed not wanting to even consider talking to Louis after he hurt me as he did.

After a while I drift off into a restless sleep.
— —
*Louis' POV* 🦔

"So what are we gonna do? He keeps ignoring all of us" Niall says taking a sip of his milkshake

We all decided to meet up to talk about how I could get Harry to talk to me. Ultimately the diner down the street from Niall's house was where we decided to meet.

"I mean we've tried everything we can, what else are we gonna do?" Liam says leaning into Zayn

After I had explained everything to Niall and he explained everything to Liam, Zayn confessed his feelings to Zayn and just as I had suspected Liam reciprocated the feelings.

So they had started dating, for about 2 days now.

"Well Louis could try to go straight to Harry's house but maybe that could trigger Harry to the point where he'll completely block us all out," Zayn says placing an arm around Liam's shoulder

"Hey Louis, Hi Niall!" I suddenly hear a voice

"Hey?" I say looking over to see a girl with brunette hair and eyes that almost look as if they could be grey

"I don't expect you to recognize me, I'm June, from the bus," She says smiling at me

"Oh right. How do you know Niall?" I say remembering her talking to me and Harry after Harry beat up Ryan

"She's my Bio partner. She's so annoying" Niall says playfully

"You know you love it," She says giggling

"Can I sit next to you guys? I kinda didn't come with anyone" She says nervously

"Yeah of course," I say scooting over to let her sit next to me

"So where's your boyfriend? I don't see him here" She says looking at the boys

"Um well, it's kinda a long story," I say not wanting to bother her

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