Chapter 24

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*Louis' POV* 🦔

"Harry wait." I say sitting up.

Once I do the cold air of my room hits my bare chest. This probably looks really bad.

I quickly cover up which probably didn't help the situation but just then Zayn awoke and he to stood up revealing his bare chest.

"Fuck, Harry." He says covering up as well.

Harry has tears in his eyes and he takes a step back.

"What the fuck Zayn." He says his voice cold and sharp

"Harry, it's not what it looks like let us explain." Zayn say with pleading eyes

"Zayn came here drunk last night and he asked if he could stay." I say truthfully

"Yeah and he let me stay and after that" Zayn says suddenly hesitant

"Then you what? Fucked him?" Harry growls.

"No, no!" I say quickly

"And do you really expect me to believe that! You and Zayn don't get along at all! Or was all that just for show so I wouldn't get suspicious?" He asks his voice breaking.

"You know I pretended not to notice because I thought you would tell me why some day. Because I believed that you actually cared about me and you could trust me." He says sadly

"No, no! I promise we didn't do anything sun." I say begging with my eyes.

He hesitates looking away for a while. He turns back but then suddenly looks down.

I could see his heartbreaking the moment he did.

There on the floor is a packet of condoms one which is missing.

"Louis, don't talk to me, don't come near me, don't even look at me. I hope you two are very happy together." He says tears leaving his eyes

He leaves the room running down the stairs.

I get up as quick as possible chasing after him.

"Harry, come back!" I yell as I run down the stairs

I reach the door and open it. I see Harry getting his keys to open the car door while he's shaking frantically.

"Harry! Please let me explain!" I yell at him from the doorway

He gets into his car and drives away. Leaving me shirtless in the doorway.

I turn around and notice all of my family is awake and staring at me.

"Louis what did you do?" Mark says sternly

Just then Zayn comes down and he's looking at me nervously.

"What the fuck Zayn! Was this part of your plan to separate me and Harry! You know I actually thought you were a decent person!" I yell at him, stepping closer.

"Was anything you told me last night true!? Are you really just that sick to lie about those things!"

"Louis calm down" he says

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down! You're a complete and total bitch!" I say pushing him

"Louis please!" Zayn says

"Please what Zayn? Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't plan this you sick bastard." I say

He looks away and just like that I tackle him to the ground

"You bitch! You lied to me! You weren't drunk were you!" I say punching repeatedly like his friends once did to me.

Mark grabs me and pulls me off of him

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