Chapter Two

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The side of my arm is scraped across the ground as I'm pulled further before Scyth runs up and bites at the arm pulling me along. I hear a yelp and I am released. With my surprise the attempt kidnapper does not flee. I turn my head to get a good view of him. He is tall and hairy all over, his snout is long and his ears are lowered flat against his head but he has a grimace on his face. The clothing he wears looks expensive. If he had money, why would he be kidnapping me?  

"What do you want with my pet sir?" Scyth blurts out with an underlying aggravation. The coyote clears his throat and straightens his clothes out before glancing at me then making eye contact with my owner.  

"The blonde matted hair, the piercing blue eyes, and the way she cowers and obeys. I thought she was a fine breeding candidate." He states without hesitation. Scyth gives a low hiss and glares at the man. I don't want to be bred! I never thought of the tortures I could go through when I was so relaxed with Scyth and now all the possibilities flow through my head when I realize how I might be kidnapped while she is asleep or away.  

"I do not know entirely what you are doing but this is my pet. Stay away from her and never come near her again." Scyth hisses and pulls me up off of the ground coaxing me towards the door. She looks back at the coyote and murmurs "Have a good day Russell." She shuts the door behind us, creating a barrier between that man and I, letting me take in a breath of relief.  

                                                                    * * *

It took me a while to get to sleep but I finally managed to get the thoughts to stop running through my head. What is going on with people and pets? Is this a bigger problem than I thought it was? I really wish I knew more. I hear Scyth groan and turn onto her side in her sleep. In the moon's light she looks extremely old. 

Scyth nudges me awake and tells me the plans for today. She said I could also dress myself today which makes the day feel special. I quickly saunter into the walk in closet and feel my fingers along the clothes that are hanging. So many options, what should I wear? I giggle to myself realizing this has never been a question until now. I don't mind, but it makes me happy having some bigger freedom. I decide on some bright running shoes then a pair of skinny jeans and lastly a graphic t-shirt. I pull my hair to the side and wrap a hair tie around it. I feel proud of myself, I don't look too bad. I smile into the mirror hanging on the side of the wall then walk out of the closet bumping into a chest. My eyes get wide as I halt and then jump back. I analyze what's going on and scan the person from head to toe. I blush once I meet his face. Dominic still has that calm look on his face and he is just standing in the doorway like he belongs there.  

"Hi." I manage to mumble out. I get no response in return so I look around awkwardly. "I need to uh, get to my owner if you wouldn't mind." I nudge him slightly but he doesn't budge. Dominic steps in closer instead of back and I panic. I start pushing at his chest and giving hisses that I've caught on from Scyth. Dominic just wraps his arms around me and rests his cheek on top of my head. I whimper and slowly quit struggling. He whispers calming words that I don't register and the thought hits me. 

She's dead. That's the only solution, she is dead and she knew it was going to happen! I feel the tears start streaming down my face and hiccups start to escape my mouth. I should have realized this when I saw her sleeping in the moon light and the chance to dress myself today. My owner, my loving wonderful owner died and I couldn't even save her I think sadly. Dominic releases me after Harold pops up behind him.  

"She knew her time was coming Elsie. She made the right precautions and made sure you had a good home instead of going off to a pet auction and being sold to some ass. She wanted you to be safe." Harold calms me with his words, but I still wish she would have told me. I slide my feet as I walk out of the closet and start congregating my things into a suitcase. Harold and Dominic watch me quietly and I wipe away my tears. I never realized how old Scyth was, but I guess all those smooth scales hide aging from the naked eye. Harold leaves the room taking some of my stuff with him to pack in the hover car and Dominic stands still.  

"Everything will be all right." Dominic says with a slight accent. I freeze at the first words he's ever said around me out loud and then slowly relax feeling reassured that he is telling the truth. I guess on the bright side I will have another pet to keep me company.  

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