Chapter Nine

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"You have been moving in on her since the day we rescued you." Dereck glares as he huffs the words out under his breath, making the words sound deeper and full of resentment. "I could never consider you a brother you low life freak!" He swings for Dominic's torso and I just back away with confusion.  

Are they fighting over me?! I am baffled and frozen in place, watching the altercations of fists and heated words. I thought they were fighting about Dominic being in places he wasn't allowed. I clench my fists nervously as I back further against the desk near the bed. They are both on their feet. 

Dominic has scratches along his face and Dereck's shirt is torn badly. They both glare at each other with hatred but I can't bring my weak self to stand in between them and end it. I have always been the quiet pet that did as told, this was never my personality.  

Dereck charges at Dominic getting his head under Dominic's arm and wrapping his arms around his torso to knock him to the ground with a thud. I flinch from the sound and bite my lip. Dominic gasps as the wind has been knocked out of him and he thrusts his knee into Dereck's gut. Dereck groans and cradles his gut as he sits up on his knees. Dominic rolls a few feet away and takes heavy breaths before struggling to his feet.  

They both seem to have lost the fight in them and are ready to cool down. I unclench my fists and sigh loudly, drawing their attention to me. My eyes get big and I feel an unwanted conversation coming about.  

"Are you going to allow this fool to stay in this room with you?!" Dereck questions, looking at me for an answer. He obviously thinks that the right answer is "no" but in all honesty, I don't know. I look somewhere other than at the two of them.  

"I don't think I owe anyone an answer right now after the confrontation that just occurred a few minutes ago." I keep my gaze on the floor as I respond, making it colder than I intended it too.  

"I'll leave and give you space Elsie, I am sorry for my immaturity that occurred just a few minutes ago." Dominic bows his head and drifts out of the room. The apology creates reassurance that what I said was right and gave me some confidence. Sadly, it didn't pass for Dereck.  

"I can't believe you are going to leave me hanging! I spent all day with you and you can't even side with me on one thing?" Dereck groans and runs his hand slowly through his dark hair before resting his head in his hands with frustration. "I understand Dominic is a good guy, but me and you, we are a perfect team to end this pet situation and reign over creatures and humans alike."  

I don't know how to respond to his statement. I'm not even sure if it requires a response because Dereck is heading out the door wrapping one hand around his gut and keeping his eyes to the ground in front of him. Reign over the creatures and humans? My gut aches and I sit on the edge of the bed slowly. Do I even want to reign over people? I groan, all this stuff is fogging up my visions on what little role I have in this so called battle.  

                                                                          * * *

I sit up and rest my back against the head board of my bed and rub my eyes slowly. I must have fallen asleep after I rested my head on the pillows to clear my head. I glance around and spot a battery powered clock on the dresser, flashing the time six o'clock. I exhale and turn to dangle my legs off the bed. Victoria must not have gotten here yet otherwise someone would have come around and got me. Right?  

Who am I kidding? They didn't come and get me for the last meeting, why would they have done anything different this time around. I frown and fix my hair that managed to stray out of my hair tie during my nap. I glance around the room slowly and the books I collected from earlier catch my eye. I slide off the bed and pad my way over to the books, kneeling down to pick them up and take them back to the bed.  

The books look even older in this dim lit room. Seeing every rip and wrinkle makes me hesitant to even touch the books, but if I am not going to learn things from the others I need to freshen up on my history and learn on my own. I sigh softly and grab the oldest looking book parting the hardened cover causing crackling noises and slight resistance. The pages look brown and worn but the letters are still printed on the book crisp and fresh. I glance through some pages and stop on a few that seem to be of importance.  

Once Gregor Bane was born the king, Frederick Bane, took ill. Many animals were devastated by the occurrence. The king soon past several months later, long enough to make sure his son will be educated on the basics of how to rule and be instructed to try and rule like his many ancestors. The civilians were anxious but whole-heartedly ready for their new ruler, given that the Bane line has always kept good care of them.  

I wonder how the animals feel now. Do they still think he's a good ruler? I remember seeing a few animals staying down here and Dereck's owner, so that must answer my question. I decide that I need to check a more recent book to find out if there are any hints at Gregor's idea of a great future.  

I end up scanning through the rest of the books and find nothing, hindering my previous encounter of information useless. I groan I basically just wasted an hour finding no information on the current situation. I toss the books to the floor. I take a glance at the clock and it's already eight o'clock. I knew they wouldn't come and get me. I scoff at the idea that they would even contemplate coming to get me.  

I wander out into the main lounge and glance at the empty room and quiet stair cases. Usually there are at least a few people wandering around, even late at night, so this atmosphere seems highly suspicious and odd. I glance around further and slowly walk over to the shelves to put back the old useless books. I freeze in place when I hear sounds from behind me. I slowly turn my body to see who or what it is. My heart begins pounding anxiously and I ask myself why I am so damn scared. I meet eyes with another pair just a few feet from me and sigh with relief. It's only Charlie, from the training room. He is smiling wide at me and bows towards me slowly.  

"I've been looking for you Elsie." He smiles and lends out his hand to shake. I take it slowly and it shakes my hand so hard I swear he might have dislocated my arm. I smile weakly and question why he was looking for me.  

"Why exactly where you looking for me?"  

"Ha-ha, well everyone else is so busy at the meeting trying to gather up plans on how we will make it into the breeding center that they appointed me to come get you and brief you on what is going on and what role you play in all this." He winks with a smile and I look around a bit confused. I have a role? So important that they don't need me at the meeting? I'm hoping Charlie is going to explain.  

"Well what is my role then?" I ask quickly as I stagger behind him while he makes his way up the stairs.  

"Well before I answer any questions I'm going to train you for a few minutes, nothing difficult, but definitely stuff you'll need to know for tomorrow night." Tomorrow night?! We are breaking into the breeding center tomorrow night? I try to keep my mouth from gaping open as I follow him up the stairs to the training room. Charlie presses a button to slide the door open and gestures for me to enter. I walk in slowly and take in the dramatic change of the room and the addition of people in the sitting area. Are they here to train as well, or to train me?

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