Chapter Four

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The sliding door automatically slides open and I curse under my breath. If a kidnapper sees or hears that then they will definitely come to investigate. I peek my head out the door and only see furniture turned over and scattered. Someone was definitely here. I crawl out into the living room and scan further. There is only three other doors besides mine. I bite my lip anxiously and crawl over to Dominic's room. The door slides open and I gasp then quickly look around to make sure I didn't alert anyone to my position. I glance back to Dominic and slowly crawl over to him. 

His body is curled up into a tight ball and he is trapped in the corner of the room by a clear orb. I have never seen this kind of technology, but I never got out much anyways. I hear a sniffle come from Dominic and I keep crawling closer. As I approach closer I am able to spot scratches and gashes along his back. He has been attacked. We definitely have an intruder and they must have silenced Harold as well, but what is the intruder doing now? I'm hoping Dominic has answers so I quickly lay a palm on the bubble hoping it will get his attention. My hand starts sinking into the bubble but before I get trapped into the bubble along with him Dominic snaps his head around and demands me to back up. I quickly pull my hand away and look at him.  

"What has happened?" I whisper.  

"Creatures came into our house and knocked Harold unconscious. They then cornered me in this corner by slashing at me and used this bubble trap to keep me here. Luckily I don't think they know that you are here. You need to find a good hiding spot and stay there until they have left." He whispers back urgently.  

"But that means they are going to take you when they leave Dominic." I begin to hyperventilate. I have never been alone before, at least not like he wants me to.  

"It'll be fine Elsie, I promise." He sighs and presses his hand against the bubble, looking into my eyes. This time I look back into his eyes understanding fully, if I don't hide and get caught also, there will be no one to rescue us. It's up to me to get myself together and get Harold and Dominic back from the kidnappers. "Listen to every word the creatures say so you can figure out where they are taking us." Dominic then shoos me away as we hear sounds of footsteps approaching the room. I scurry under the hover bed and I burry myself with the numerous clothes Dominic has spread all over the room.  

"I see you are awake now." The voice thunders through the room as I spot huge paws crossing the room. Creatures rarely wear shoes. "Your owner was a fighter, but I'm afraid he is not what we are here for. You may not be an exceptional pet, but you are a pet nonetheless." I hear beeping of buttons and see the bubble start to lift off from the corner along with Dominic and hover over the floor. "Now let's get out of here and take you to your new friends at my place." The creature purrs. He pads out of the room as the bubble obediently follows. Crap, he didn't say anything about the location. How am I going to save Dominic?! I groan and burry my head into the pile of clothes.  

I have looked around the house numerous times, and the worst room I have entered was the dining room. It would have been lovely to see if there wasn't blood almost everywhere. They disposed of Harold's body, but they did not clean up the mess. Tears streak down my face mourning for my two old owners. Harold was only my owner for a day and he had to die. I look at the walls decorated with gashes and scratches, showing that a fight definitely went on in here. I guess I was lucky to have decided to take a nap before dinner, or I might have been caught too.  

The other rooms were just mine, Dominic's and Harold's. I was able to find a few useful things but I don't think Harold had things around prepared to save someone from a kidnapping. I lay down a backpack I found in Dominic's room and pack the various supplies I managed to find into the many pockets. I made sure to grab some food too, but it isn't much since it was hard for me to stay in the kitchen too long. I grimace at the thought and sigh. The backpack is able to hold everything, but I'm just hoping I can carry it on my back. I may be bigger than most the female pets but I am still small.  

I take one last glance around the living room and press the button next to the front door. As it slides open I curve my body along the side of the door frame and out the door trying to be stealthy and sneaky. The blue sun is starting to go down so it will be easy to keep hidden. I get on my hands and knees and crawl over into the bush in front of the house. I peek through the numerous leaves to see if anyone is out walking and see no one. I am then startled by a hand grasping my arm. I squeal and flail my arm. They've caught me already! How will I save Dominic now?! My mind is going frantic and numb with fear as I gasp and choke on air from being scared so bad.  

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