Chapter Eight

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A/N: So I decided to include a photo of what Dominic might look like (shirtless may I add ;P) and if you want to see what Dereck looks like you can refer back to Chapter Five. Hope you like! Happy reading! ;D

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I slowly wake up and groan softly peering into the dark looking around the room. I shift my weight slightly and remember last night and how Dominic asked to sleep with me. I blush and turn my head to meet nose to nose with Dominic. I move my arm and realize we are also twined together like double knotted shoe laces. I let out a soft sigh and slowly pry myself from his strong toned arms. I pause in the middle of the detangling process and debate whether I really want to detangle myself or not.  

Dominic groans under his breath and turns his body opposite me. I go with him and keep careful not to wake him. I finish detangling myself and rest flat on my bed looking at the ceiling. I am startled by the soft whisper in my ear.  

"Tired of me?" Dominic warm breath tingles at my ear. I keep still thinking he is sleep talking until he moves closer to me. "Cause if so, I can leave." He keeps his body an inch from mine but his body heat still radiates making my side heat up and sweat. I bite my lip and turn my body slowly onto my side to face his.  

"I-" I am cut off by the slam of a door. My door is wide open flooding in light from the main living room. I cover my eyes as I lie onto my back once again and groan. "Who the hell!?" I yell with annoyance ready to throw anything I can get my hands on. Dominic groans quietly beside me pulling covers slowly over his head.  

"Rise and shine sunshine! It's almost noon and I haven't seen you anywhere. I was worried you got lost." Dereck says playfully.  

"I'll be ready in a minute Dereck, let me get clothed and refreshed before I make an appearance in the normal world." I croak out the words that scratch at my parched throat. I see Dereck nod in response and walk out the door, shutting it behind him leaving the room pitch black.  

"Idiot." Dominic mutters under the blanket. I shrug and slide out of bed. I stumble on the first few steps to the bathroom until my eyes adjust. I look back at the lump in my bed then disappear behind the bathroom door. 

The bathroom light is dull so it's forgiving to my sleepy eyes. I sigh and turn the faucet on pouring water out onto the round sink. I splash some water on my face getting my skin alert and awake, unlike the rest of me.  

Once I was finished in the bathroom I returned to my room to find no lump in my bed. I got dressed in some casual clothes and dragged myself out the door to the main living area. There are less people around today which relieves me because I was in no mood to be shoulder to shoulder with some stranger. I spot Dereck over in a lounging chair slumped and patient. He is slowly scanning the room warily until he spots me causing a grin to grow onto his face. I look around as a response and he lifts off from the chair and weaves through people towards my general direction.  

"So you ready for Victoria to get here and brief us about the plan?" He smiles.  

"Sure, I mean I hope everyone is pumped to go save some pets who will add to our cause." I respond matter-of-fact. He smiles wider and grabs one of my arms to lead me to the second floor past the field room that is painted so masterfully to a new room I haven't ventured into yet. He rests his other hand on the button of the door. 

"I figured I'd show you around some more today before Victoria got here." The door slides open once he finishes his sentence and he walks in, pulling me with. As I enter the door slides shut behind me and clicks, locking us in. I glance around the small room that is covered and filled with weapons. My eyes get wide and I question how they got ahold of all these weapons until I remember Victoria. I guess the weapon stock pile is a miniscule amount of proof that she is potentially trustworthy. "What do ya' think?" Dereck looks back at me after scanning over the weapons with me.  

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