Chapter 6: Deal's off

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Here's how I'll tell you what I think—if you see white smoke then you know I picked a new pope. And if I'm drinking a Snapple then you know I don't give a shit.

Jason Jack Miller, The Devil and Preston Black

*Later at night, Jikko and Legion Drive into a city, they got to a hotel and got the honeymoon sweet after jacking a bride and groom outfit, lying about their names, and what they have done.*

*As Jikko was taking a shower, Legion remembered that the universal Council told her not to drop her guard or have any sexual desires of any kind Point as This is her mission and not play time. So another words:  she is not allowed to have sex of any kind with Jikko but she is allowed to have sexual contact with anyone besides him of the universe as long as it doesn't interfere with the mission at hand.*

(( legion: oh come on!   Just for my tubes then :(. ))

*Jikko came out of the shower only in a town drying your hair with a drink off*

*Legion was Sitting on the bed  filling out paper work*

Jikko: it sucks that we can get more than one room but it's fine I'll sleep on the couch tonight. *Jikko went to grab one of his books*

Legion :  oh no!  You can sleep here it's  fine, I was just filling out paper work.  *She moved her stack of papers to he can atleast lay down*

Jikko: no I'm good I like having my space when I sleep plus this couch has a pull up so see you in the morning.

*She can still remember that the Universal Council is always watching and seeing if she is going to slip up or not and the big thing that they told her was.... "If she does sleep with him... She will be replaced by someone else who is willing to follow that rule...."*

Legion:  *thinks to her self* do i piss off there god or  taima  proud  hmmm.... *She thought about everything to piss off the universe.*

Legion :  ehhh I don't wanna go Back  to my old job...... but then again this   responsible god title  is toooo Goody.

*She thinks while Jikko trains his body in many deadly styles of martial arts and fighting styles. Legion happens to hear him working out extremely hard, Jikko was surrounded books on fighting. Legion stops what she was doing to watch Jikko train heavily. Jikko jumped up high enough that he reached the ceiling does he realize that his abilities were growing... He had to look at his hand.*

Jikko: I might be Undead but I still have a long ways to go to get to you a higher level. *Jason's heart beat in his chest as it hurt*

Legion: What do you mean?

*Jikko looked at her then dropped down to the floor while landing on his feet* I wanna get to get to a higher level then just a normal zombie.

*Jikko was sweating*

Legion: So you want to get to immortal status?

Jikko: Nah.......I want to earn that title and surpass many others before me while creating a title just for me.
Feeling lost
Feeling like losing is the only option..... That feeling dried when I committed my first murder....... Killing that guy felt so good that I couldn't even think straight and eating his men then slaughtering them.... almost like it was Christmas morning and my birthday on the same f****** day. you of all people should know, I can tell by the way that you look, by the way that you speak, by the way that you walk,  even by the way you kill...... I can tell that you wanted someone to take lightly and someone that would rather not lose...... You can cut it with the formal crap and talk normally to me...... There is more to the story that you're not telling me and I wish to know what it is.....

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