Chapter 10.1: Creepypasta Vision 3 - Jikko Von Satsujin Vs Jeff The Killer

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It was a warm winter's night, there was a murder happening at the same time but in two different towns.
The police we're looking into a crime scenes

Officer Bravo: we got a family of 3 kids, and two parents..... The murderer had left the scene 5 minutes before I ever arrived as the cuts are fresh..... Hold on a minute

*Officer Bravo saw that one of the kids were still alive as he held him up a bit, the kid was coughing and barely holding on to life with blood running down his mouth as officer Bravo try to hold him on.*

????: Please help me.... I don't want to die......

Officer Bravo: take it easy son can you tell me who did this to you.... Can you tell me about your attacker?

????:..... Black..... Hair....*cough cough*... Whiteface...*cough cough cough*.... Long smile...... Bloody..... Bloody.... *The boys started having a panic attack as his heart was beating so fast remembering what happened to his mother and father plus his siblings*..........

*The boy died in the officer's arms as the officer put him down and turned on His Radio*

Officer Bravo: it seems that the only Survivor of this attack is Dead too..... So tell me what do you guys have?

*At the next town over, there was a bus that was supposed to transfer convicts to a jail facility but it was turned over well also on fire with every convict outside of the bus dead while lying on a tree or up a tree or pin down to a tree with an X over each convicts eyes by using stitching, with also a sewed on smile, Plus Three Crosses carved onto their chest or their intestines hanging out.*

Officer Paul: it seemed here but much worse as everyone around here is seriously dead and there is no way that any of them would be alive after this onslaught. There had got to be either 10 or 20 guys to do this job.... There is no way that somebody killed all 21 convicts all by themselves...... It's impossible.

*As soon as the cop dropped his cigarette onto glass as a huge fire broke out, and when the helicopter went to check and see if he was okay they found a signature of a smiley-face but x's for eyes......*

........ After this night police went on high alert and made a curfew for everyone in the nearest towns over as they are soon going to realize that they are dealing with not just one killer on the loose...... But two........


{Jeff was in a Freddy's restaurant well looking at his phone looking at the time waiting for night, as his pizza was being made Jeff would think in wonder about what if he could have changed things for the better...... He remembered everything that Jane told him...... Everything that Slender Man has told them........ Everything that his family used to tell him........
He tried his hardest to bury the past but it was hard when every once in awhile he would see his brother in the corner of his eye, he knows that he seen his brother and he believes that his brother is still alive just like how Jane the killer is still alive.....
He snapped out of the trance that he was in as his pizza arrived, but when he went to take a bite he saw something on the news that truly pissed him off more than anything.}

News anchorman: What seems like a scene right out of a horror movie, became a real situation late last night where two murders that occurred where I family of three kids and two parents where killed with the same of 21 convicts. The question that we have here is:
Are the murders done by the same person or are there two murderers mixing Justice with murderer?

*Jeff started to growl in a low tone so no one can hear his frustration as he felt aggravated that someone started killing and everybody else thinks that it was him, his blood was boiling by the fact that someone was taking his kills.... He already has to deal with this from Jane the Killer as he felt like he didn't need to have to deal with this from somebody else too. He tried his hardest to come down and enjoy his meal, he used his knife in his pocket to relieve some of the stress by cutting his finger and letting the blood running down.*

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