Chapter 6

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Hey everybody! Back to a chance meeting between Kami and the handsome English boy. As always, please comment and vote! You can vote once for every chapter and make unlimited comments. Thanks so much for reading.

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The boy slid into the seat next to her. She was very aware of him. He was even taller than she realized, now that he sat next to her. He smelled good too, a clean masculine scent. There was an awkward silence between them for a few moments until he broke it.

“Sorry to whisk away your seat mates, but one of them didn’t seem to appreciate not having his own seat.”

Kami laughed, relaxing as she glanced back at the little boy. He was standing in the window seat jumping up and down. His mother had an arm up supporting his back and looked much more at peace.

“He seems much happier now that he’s not constrained,” Kami said.

“Aren’t we all?”

“That was kind of you to offer her your seat.”

He shrugged.

“What do I need two seats for?”

“I don’t know. Kick your feet up. Catch a nap.”

“At the expense of that woman and her baby? No thanks.”

“Still, not everyone would have done it.”

“Maybe. My name is Liam, by the way,” he said. “Liam Mitchell.”

“I’m Kamilah Hassri.” She was glad her voice didn’t sound as shaky as she felt.

“So do you go by Kamilah, or do you have a nickname?”

“My friends call me Kami.”

“And do I qualify as a friend?”

“I don’t know yet,” Kami said. She liked the way his mouth always seemed to be on the verge of smiling, and she marveled at how easy he was to talk to.

“Ah, the lady throws out a challenge. So what does it take to earn your friendship?”

“Nothing much—be willing to walk on hot coals, slay dragons, prove absolute loyalty by tasting any suspicious libations to make sure they’re not poisonous. The usual stuff.” Liam laughed as she ticked off her list.

“You are so random,” he said.

“You have no idea. So it’s my turn to ask you a question. What’s up with the winking?” She regretted saying it almost the moment it escaped her lips. It wasn’t like her to be so bold.

“I was bored. And intrigued,” Liam said, smiling a bit sheepishly. “I was curious how you would react.”


“You reacted just as I expected. You were embarrassed.”

“Actually, I was thinking ‘Who’s the perv who has the audacity to hit on a complete stranger?’” she said.

“Or that could have been it,” Liam laughed, flashing his strong white teeth with a lopsided grin that made her smile. “I was curious because you weren’t covered.”

“Not covered?” Kami’s voice rose as she looked herself over. Nothing was exposed. What was he talking about?

“No, not that,” he shook his head. “Your hair.”

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