Chapter 37

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Some exciting moments for Born of Shadow. It is now officially a featured story! I'm super stoked to have my best rankings ever - #4 in Adventure, #6 in Fantasy and #3 on the Fantasy-Adventure hotlist. Thank you so much for your continued support and reading, voting and commenting on my story! I have the best readers and I appreciate every one of you!


She didn't know how long they walked, or where they walked. They finally stopped, found a place to sit and he released her. 

At last her crying calmed and she was able to wipe away the moisture in her eyes. She could see a view of the Nile from here. It was beautiful from a distance, with emerald green water that reminded her of the ocean back home. Even though she lived within driving distance to the ocean, she rarely went, at least lately. There was always something else to do. But the real reason, she admitted, was probably because she might see her ex there. He lived for the beach, and, as a result, his body was constantly bronzed to perfection. 

Kami realized she hadn't thought of Vance for days. Maybe that was a good sign that she was starting to get over him.

She wondered once again if coming to Egypt had been a mistake. So far the trip had been nothing like she had imagined. Her mom could use her help, and it didn't seem as if there was much she could do for anyone here. On the other hand, she couldn't just leave while her grandmother was in danger. Watching the distant waves undulate against the shore relaxed her. There was something about their steadiness that helped bring back her resolve. She needed to somehow see this through, and find her Neina. At least Gedo was free. She looked up at Liam, a little embarrassed.

"Better?" he asked.

She nodded.

"I wish I could be tough like Yasmin. Gedo doesn't even intimidate her."

"Yeah well, she's had a couple of decades to become inoculated. It is horrible timing on his part. You've had quite a day. First, a shadow creature throws a drinking fountain at you; then this annoying boy embarrasses you."

"Make that very annoying boy," Kami corrected.

"True," Liam grinned, seemingly delighted she was feeling well enough to tease back. "Then you meet your grandfather for the first time hoping he'll like you enough to accept you, and he snaps at you. So yes, I think you've got the right to a few tears."



There was a lull in the conversation. Kami shifted. The bench they were sitting on was so uncomfortable.

"We should probably get back," she said.

"No rush. Take the time you need. You are in control of your life, not your grandfather. He has no right to order you around like that. You are not obligated to live by his rules or expectations. I can only guess what has happened with your family, but I would be willing to wager he lost that right a long time ago. Besides, you need to be settled enough to face him."


They sat in companionable silence for a while. Kami played with a loose thread on her t-shirt.




"For what?"

"Back there at the library, if you hadn't carried me out," She shuddered, unable to finish.

"And I thought you were just joking about the hot coals," he teased. She smiled weakly.

"Just now too. If you hadn't been there, hadn't seen the need to get me away from there, I don't know what would have happened. I was falling apart."

He slipped his hand into hers and gently squeezed. This time he didn't let go.

"That's what friends do, right?"


They sat for a few more minutes, then Kami squeezed Liam's hand.

"Ready to face the dragon?"

"I guess I can't avoid Gedo forever," she said, standing up. They began walking, still holding hands. She savored the feeling of his hand in hers. It made her feel secure somehow. 

"It's hard," she said. "Here's this person who alienated you from part of your family. He disowned his son, didn't accept my mother. Where am I supposed to go with that? Even if he'd been some kind of warm and fuzzy Santa Claus type grandpa, I still would have had my reservations. As it is, I think he hates me."

"Hate's probably too strong a word," Liam said. "I think he's stressed out and he's taking it out on you. You might find once you get to know him that he's a different person."

"Maybe," Kami said, unconvinced.

"I think he's mostly bluster. All bark, and no bite," Liam said. 

"I don't know."

"Of course, we could always test him by checking his boundaries."

"Dare I ask how you would do that?"

"I'm tempted to dip you in front of him and thoroughly kiss you. Think that will get his dander up?"

"You wouldn't," Kami gasped. "He'd pulverize you."

"What are you saying? I'm pretty tough. I could take him."

"Are you some kind of masochist? Because I'm pretty sure he'd kill you."

Liam looked at her solemnly.

"Some causes are worth dying for."

"Trust me, that's not one of them."

"Oh, I think it might be."

"Let's get something straight, Liam. I am not your habibti, or whatever you called me. We're just friends."

"Friends help friends test boundaries. I should get that made up on a t-shirt."

"Friends pry friends' smashed faces off the pavement after they've tested boundaries. There's another one for you," Kami said, giggling into his shoulder.

"Don't look now, but I can see them. His head's still attached. His face was so red earlier I thought it was going to erupt from all the pressure. But those eyebrows are as thick and formidable as before. Do you want him to see us holding hands?"

"I don't care," Kami said.

"Atta girl! Stick to your guns."

They approached the group.

His eyes lingered on their entwined hands, and his face grew darker. 

"Gedo," Yasmin shook her head warningly. 

He sighed.

"I am glad to meet you, Kamilah. I wish the timing weren't so bad, that you were not in so much danger, and that your Neina could be here to greet you because she has better manners. Apparently she set this up behind my back, and although I am not happy about it, I know she would be excited to have you visit. So, it is good to meet you."

He glanced at Yasmin, who nodded slightly. She chewed on her lip like she was upset about something.

"See, it's like I said. All bark and no bite. Yasmin's got him leashed," Liam whispered.

"So as I see it, there is only one option available. I am sending you home on the first available flight," Gedo said.


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This chapter's dedication goes out to a Wattpad buddy @alan71. We have been reading each other's work for quite awhile now. We connected early on in this story over Galileo. He has a turtle named Sheldon, which happens to be my great grandfather's name. I've very much appreciated his support of BoS. You can check out his profile and writing by clicking on the dedication above.

Born of Shadow - Book 1 (complete)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara