Chapter 39

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"I can't believe we're doing this," Kami whispered. She and Liam were leaning against the white stucco police station walls in Alexandria. "For all we know the cops are possessed. What if they catch us and turn us over to Cruella?"

"It's vital we retrieve Gedo's journal," Liam reminded her. "He has copies of the map and other information that might lead us to your Neina."

"And that creepy woman."


"So we just stand here."

"Right. Chris sais he has experience with this. He's supposed to hand us the items through this window. That way if he gets caught, he won't have the evidence on him. At least it's a small building."

Kami looked at the building. It looked fairly massive to her.

"Small?" she questioned.

"I suppose it's relative. It's smaller than other police stations."

Kami rubbed her arms. It had cooled down considerably. The dark of the night played games on her vision, and she kept glancing around trying to keep watch, all the while worrying that someone would walk by at any moment and bust them. "Dare I ask how Chris gained all this experience breaking and entering?"

"It's probably best not to," Liam replied. "I bet Samuel's going to be annoyed when he comes back to find he missed out on this adventure, but it's not like we could wait. Surprise is our best ally. The Shadow Queen will assume Gedo is still in Cairo trying to secure the dig site. Tomorrow we assemble our tricked out torches. I bet you can't wait to be packing your own heat."

"You know it," Kami said, trying to act tough. But the idea of actually going after the shadow creatures was intimidating. "I can't believe you all convinced Gedo to do this. He seems like Mr. Follow the Rules."

"He was furious once it sunk in that they'd taken everything. But you're right; it did take some convincing. It's like I said before, the police force can be intimidating. Gedo has succumbed to their authority so long that it's hard for him to challenge them, not to mention he's having a hard time believing the police are really possessed. Keep in mind, for years he's viewed the police as his allies, protecting his antiquities. We keep telling him over and over he was just taking back what is rightfully his. He knows it, but he's scared. He has good reason to be."     

It was silent for a few minutes. A car approached, illuminating the building. Kami and Liam shrank deep into the shadows. Kami's back was pressed against Liam's chest. She could feel his heart pounding erratically and his breath on her neck. It was terribly distracting.

"Hey, Kami," Liam whispered.


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"What? I can't believe we're having this conversation right now."

"It seemed as good a time as any. I've been meaning to ask you. But what with running away from shadow creatures, recovering your missing grandfather, and discovering a couple of dead people, it's not like there's been a lot of down time today."

"So you wait for a nice quiet moment, like say, in the midst of a heist. Nice, Liam."

He laughed, flashing straight white teeth.

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