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"Show me where your love lies"

O N W A R D S;

Caleb was painting. Brush stroke after brush stroke he glided his paintbrush over the canvas, capturing the nature of Greece on one board. He had been painting ever since his hand could hold a brush and now sitting in a park in Greece, he was content. This expedition to Greece was definitely not planned as the 56 missed calls and 67 text messages  from his father explained it all. But Caleb, couldn't care less, right now he was happy.

Happier than he'd ever been in a long time and that was something Thomas Hearst couldn't take away. He turned his attention back to his painting when a bus load of students emptied out into the streets. At the back of the school of students, Caleb saw her. A girl with her long auburn colored hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a cute white dress and Caleb was captivated by her.

Her lips suddenly broke out into a smile at something her friend had muttered and Caleb thought she was even more beautiful.. He had stopped painting now as his eyes followed the students as they entered the park and were coming closer to where he was seated. His eyes followed her as they walked through the park.

Suddenly he shook his head at how he was behaving and returned his attention back to his canvas. His sole concentration was getting this painting done and going back to his hotel for cocktail hour. He was so engrossed in what he was going he didn't notice two pairs of shoes in front of him.
"Hey," The voice was ever so melodious that the sound had ripped his attention from his brush.
"My friend and I were wondering if you could paint us."

His eyes locked with gorgeous emerald ones and he smirked. It was her and up close she even more beautiful than he'd ever imagined. She stood in front of him nervously fiddling with her fingers. Her friend's eyes widened at the sight of him and he smirked at her, he knew he was attractive and with that knowledge confidence came with it.
"How much do you usually charge?" She asked pulling out her wallet.
Charge? They thought he painted for a living.

Caleb leaned back onto the bench, "Four hundred euros." He muttered with a victorious smirk on his lips.
Both girls looked flabbergasted at the price he'd just uttered, "That's expensive." Her friend uttered.
"C'mon Georgia, it's not worth it..." Her friend pulled on her arm.
Caleb suddenly stood up, "Wait, listen I'll paint you for free if Georgia agrees to give me her number."

Both girls stopped in their tracks and her friend frowned, "We don't need a painting that bad" she scoffed.
Georgia suddenly furrowed her eyebrows, "You don't paint for a living do you?"
Caleb raised his hands in defeat, "What gave me away?"
She shook her head, "The lack of extra canvases."
"Well, you got me, but how about that number? Hm?"

Georgia scoffed, "What makes you think I'd give my number to a stranger?"
There was a hint of a smile in her voice that Caleb had picked up on, "I guess if you want to play it safe, giving your number away to someone you just met isn't smart but on the other hand you could miss out on the best night of your life."

Georgia raised her eyebrows, "Best night of my life? Big talk from a man painting in a park,"
Caleb let out a full blown laugh, "Don't let appearances fool you, I could be filthy rich."
Georgia looked thoughtful, "Huh, that would explain your cocky attitude-"
Caleb shook his head, "Listen I'd promise to have you back by 12"

He was looking at her friend, "I promise I'm not a serial killer..."
Georgia shook her head, "I'd have to say no Casanova."
Caleb sighed admitting defeat, "Alright, I get it. Stranger, danger."
Georgia smirked, "Exactly, But here, you look like you need it more than me." She handed him a five dollar bill.

"Take care." She muttered as she and her friend walked away.
Caleb shook his head and turned the bill around to see blue ink at the bottom.


It was her number and looking at her from a distance he smiled and tucked the bill into his pocket.

The memory of their meeting was distant now, a sweet but sour memory Caleb had held onto. He hadn't driven back to his house and instead booked a room in a nearby hotel. He had called the office to let them know he'd be absent for a few days. He unlocked his phone and suddenly Daniella's name popped up on the screen. He let it ring out.

He had no interest in relating to Daniella of what had occurred in the past two weeks. He knew surely if she found out she'd fly herself down here and Caleb didn't want to have to deal with her. He had to be at the hospital in less an hour and he hadn't left yet. He closed his eyes and breathed out, getting up to get ready.

He arrived at the hospital to see Dr. Tim waiting for him.
"Hello Mr. Hearst. How are you?"
"I'm fine." Caleb answered.
The doctor nodded, "I know this can't be easy for you Caleb but, by helping her you're doing the right thing."
Caleb gritted his teeth, "What is it exactly that you want me to do?"

Tim nodded, "You're only requirement is to spend time with her, it'll help her regain her memories,"
Caleb put his hand up, yes he already understood that, "For how long?"
"The answer is indefinite, it could take weeks."
Weeks, he didn't know how he felt about that but he nodded his head anyway.
"Is there anything specific I should be asking her?" It was Caleb's final question.

"No there isn't, any word could prod or trigger her memory. It could help to travel down memory lane with her, talk to her about her past." He nodded in response.

The past that was a dangerous place, but it wouldn't be that hard to go back, he'd never left in the first place.

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