Thirty Six

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"Opened eyes"

O N W A R D S;

Even in the darkness Caleb could hear voices. Three to be exact, talking in hushed whispers over his sleeping figure. In the darkness he grew anxious wanting to see something; anything. Caleb suddenly felt the stiffness of his body and the soreness that came with it and he groaned. Slowly, he tried to move a little trying to angle his body which seemed to be in a awkward position.
"He just moved!" someone spoke softly.
"Caleb oh my god!" when he heard that voice he never wanted to open his eyes more but it seemed to be proving difficult.

"Doctor! He's conscious!" The voices were not talking above him and Caleb groaned again at the noise.
"Mr. Hearst," an unfamiliar male voice spoke to him slowly, "I need to take deep breaths for me, can you do that?"
Caleb tried to nod but his body wouldn't let him so instead he just kept breathing, doing exactly what he was asked.
"Good, now can you attempt to move your fingers for me please."

Caleb groaned lowly again when but he felt his fingers wiggle it gave him encouragement.
"That's great Caleb, keep doing that."
"Why can't he open his eyes?" Another voice, Caleb recognized asked cautiously.
"He's exhausted, it will take some time but he should be on his way to full recovery."
"Now, Caleb I want you to try to move your toes. Can you do that?"

Caleb followed the instructions and if he could grin right now he would have. He could hear the doctor's words of encouragement.
"Alright, you're doing well Caleb. Now I want you to try to open your eyes for me"
Caleb winced slightly as he forced his hazel eyes to flutter open. He scanned the white room inspecting every nook and crevice until his gaze stopped at the three people before him who were staring at him intently.

His gaze ran over his mother from head to toe as she suddenly rushed over to him and kissed his cheeks.
"Thank god!" She gripped him tightly.
"Mrs. Hearst please, you'll need to give him space for a few minutes!" The doctor warned.
He heard his mother huff before retracting her arms and suddenly Caleb caught Georgia's gaze. There were tears brimming in her eyes as she looked at him and Caleb mouthed the word 'come' to her and she quickly obliged.

She leaned down towards the foot of his bed and entwined their fingers not saying a word. She kissed his hand gently before speaking, "We've been worried sick." Her voice seemed fragile.
His mother suddenly stood beside Georgia, "You know, getting a call that your son was shot is not a thrilling way to meet your girlfriend Caleb, a nice dinner would have been fine!" His mother scoffed.
The doctor who seemed to be standing in the background suddenly stepped forward handing him a glass, "Drink this."

It was put to his lips and Caleb sipped it only now realizing how parched he was.
"You've been unconscious for three days since the incident." The doctor spoke to Caleb directly.
Caleb suddenly furrowed his eyebrows as if now remembering that Georgia was shot too. His eyes surveyed her body for injuries but she seemed to be fine. Three days, he should feel well rested but instead he still felt exhausted.
"We'll still be monitoring for the remainder of the week but you should be out of here soon Mr. Hearst."

Caleb nodded, "Thank you." His voice was raspy and barely sounded anything less than a whisper.
He tried to clear his throat but the doctor stopped him, "Just keep hydrated, your voice will come back within the hour. Don't make any sudden movement and try to stay in bed for a few more hours, yeah. The stitches have been already sown up and bandaged."
Caleb nodded as the doctor left the room with a wave and as soon as the door closed his mother slapped his arm.
"Ouch!" He groaned glaring at her.
"Don't ever do that to me again! You hear me young man!"

Caleb nodded his head a small smile forming on his lips, "Good." His mother dusted down her jeans before sighing, "I'm going for a coffee."
He turned his attention to his gorgeous girlfriend who was still silent, "How are you doing?" He asked, his voice still small.
He saw her shake her head and look at him teary eyed, "Worried sick about you." She leaned forward and kissed his forehead.
"No, what happened to you? Did he...."
She shook her head, "The bullet only grazed me. I was released within the next four hours that same day."

"I came to see you right after I was released but you were still in surgery." She paused.
"I was so scared." She let out, a tear slipping from her eyes.
"I'm okay now." He whispered slowly which caused her to nod letting out an uneasy sigh.
His thoughts ran back to house, the gun, the box and Sloan.

He wanted to ask the question but he didn't know how too. He wanted to know what had become of Sloan; if he was still out there or if the authorities had found the box with information that Georgia had collected and if so, did they have enough to put both Sloan and Kingsley behind bars?
"Georgia," Caleb trailed off, "Did the police ever...."
Georgia suddenly broke out into a grin, "He was arrested and taken into custody and a day later so was Kingsley for conspiring to murder and fraud"
"The police will need our testimonies in a few weeks for the trial but that's when you're all better."

"So you're safe?" He asked wearily.
"Yes, we both are," she smiled down at him squeezing his softly.

Caleb studied her face, butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he stared at the woman he still loved after all these years, the girl that was for him. To the girl that taught him a valuable lesson but also to the girl who helped him get back on his feet, to the girl who calls him Casanova and to the girl who loved him back. To the girl who didn't give up when things got rough and to the girl who despite everything, remembered. And to the girl Caleb would never forget.

As Caleb gazed at her, he smiled, "I love you." He whispered.
Georgia's eyes widened, "I love you more." She whispered back.
Caleb raises his eyebrow, "Mhm, you love me?" He asked.
"Yes." Georgia nodded a faint smile on her lips.
"How much?" Caleb questioned smirking.

"More than life itself."

to the girl who remembered

and the man who loved her.


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