Chapter 4

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2 weeks later

Serena's p.o.v.

I woke up and quickly got dressed.  I made some breakfast for my dad and I was out the door.

Today by some miracle I escaped the house while my father was still asleep I think he might of had to much and he'd be out for the count until at least this afternoon. I planned on getting lots of booze on the way home from school everyday so that incident from two weeks ago wouldn't happen again. I think I'll have a few scares to add to my collection but everything else is healing up nicely. My black eye had faded to a slight yellow colour and  the cuts only have a few little scars of a reminder of what happened.

I went straight to my locker once I got to school. As I got closer to my locker I saw jay leaning beside it. I smiled but then it faded as I wondered how long this friendship will last. Will he abandon me or will he turn into another tormentor.  Maybe when he gets to know me better he'll run for the hills. If it's an act he's been keeping it up for the past 2 weeks. Which is impressive. Wow I need to stop thinking so negatively. Besides all my doubts I can't help but fall for him. He's funny.  He's genuinely kind and well even blind people could see how handsome he is.

I still remember coming in after missing school and how worried he was about me. I just convinced him I had a twenty four hour bug and the next day he came in with a box of vitamin c. So I wouldn't get sick again. I felt so touched, he's so compassionate. 

You know the way there's people in life who seem to be everything he's one of those people. He's compassionate handsome, smart , athletic. I don't know why he's hanging around with me.

I was broken from my thoughts when jay spoke.

" Morning. I was wondering if you want me to drop you to and from school everyday. I mean like it would save you walking and Emm ye."

He stumble through his  words. I could tell he was nervous. I really wanted to say yes.

"I'd love that but you can't"

His face fell and it broke my heart. Why I don't know. Maybe it's because we spend so much time together. Although I don't say anything too personal. But I feel like he's slowly breaking down my walls.

" ok but is there a reason why" he asked. I could see the plea in his eyes for me to change my mind.

Sh*t what do I say emmm
"My dad wouldn't like that"
Uh oh did I say that out loud

"Why wouldn't he like me giving you a lift? "

Shit I said that out loud. What do I say now. Think of something. Ahhh what do I say.  How do I get out of this.


Saved by the bell literally

"We should get to class" I rushed out but he gave me a look that said this isn't over. At least it gives me time to think of something. I rushed off to our first class.

Jays p.o.v.

She still has that hood and her hair blocking her face why. But besides the physical barriers preventing me from fully getting to know her she also has a mental wall up. She doesn't say anything to personal. I hope in time she'll trust me. I'm being patient with her though. 

Maybe she's shy my wolf reasoned.

I just want to see her face I know she'll be beautiful. I wish she'd let me drive her then I could make sure she's safe but now I have to do it the sneaky way. I wish I could've offered sooner but I had to rearrange my pack duties and I had preexisting appointment that According to my father I had to keep. So now I had no choice but To unfortunately stalk her. Creepy I know but what's a guy gotta do. Well it's not stalking it's following to look after. Ye that's what it is. I just need to make sure she's safe she is my mate after all.

I've asked around the school and learnt nothing new. Everyone tell me the same thing as the queen bee.  Or else they don't know who she is. Most of them don't know who she is. I mean it makes sense. Rena tries her hardest to blend in or go unnoticed completely.

Today I decided to follow her home so I know where she lives at least. Maybe I could randomly run into her on her way to school now as-well. Then she'd have to let me give her a ride to school. I just wanted to spend as much time with her as possible to get to know her.

She stopped by a little corner shop on her way home.  I wondered what she's buying. She was in there for about five minutes. If it was a bigger shop I'd go in. But if I went in she'd see me and well I don't know how I'd explain that.

She came out carrying a slab of beer. Are the rumours true. No maybe she's having a party or picking it up for someone. I'd smell it on her if she did. Something seemed off though.

She proceeded home. Limping. When I asked her about it she brushed it off and said she doesn't limp. But her heartbeat increased. That told me she was lying. Why though. I mean it couldn't have been from a sport because she told me she doesn't participate in it at school.

Her house looks really run down. One of the windows was shattered. There was odd bits of rubbish here and there in the little driveway. It was a bleak looking house. It had a dark atmosphere like it wasn't safe.  My poor mate I thought. Now I was even more determined to bring her to the pack house.

Then I heard shouting.........

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