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Almost eleven years ago, June 10, 2007.

A freshman student moaned on top of him and he grinned, it was his last day frat house, a dignified member of Alpha Phi Alpha, Arsenio was enjoying his last party before leaving tomorrow with his brother.

He pulled out the rubber from his back pocket and passed it on to the freshman girl, he didn't know her name, but she liked it when he called her 'babe'. She ripped the packet open and pulled the rubber out and put it over his manhood. His brothers were roaring loudly in the living area while he was in his bedroom.

Damn he would miss this; the girl sat over his dick and began riding him.

"Fu** yeah, babe," he groaned. She giggled and picked his graduation hat and put it on.

He was now a Dartmouth graduate majoring in both economics and mathematics. He was the star student, a quarterback with the Dartmouth Big Green football team along with his brother Hector who was doing his engineering at Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth.

They had started their own business and things looked very promising. The door opened and his friend looked at him with a grin on his face.

"Get out of the room Roman," Arsenio growled. His friend, Roman Black was a rich asshole and the biggest douchebag on the planet. But the f**ker was good with his studies and Arsenio was damn sure he would take Black industries to a multi-billionaire status.

"Well you might want to give Christy to me cause your brother is asking for you," Roman grinned and winked at Christy aka babe. Christy pouted an ugly and failed attempt to look cute and got of his dick. Arsenio groaned and got of the bed; he zipped his pants and walked out. The party was in full swing with his brothers roaring loudly. He grinned, damn he would miss this. He walked out of the frat house and saw Hector standing. His face looked white as a sheet.

Arsenio ran to him.

"Bro is everything alright," Arsenio asked.

"I f**ked up Neo, I f**ked up everything!" Hector cried, his eyes were wild and he looked panicked.

"You need to tell me what happened," Arsenio said.

Hector gulped and looked at him.

"Mom came," hector gulped.

Arsenio simmered with anger, his hands clenched into fists and he gritted his teeth.

"What was she doing here?"

"She needed money," Hector said, "she came with the new boyfriend."

Their mother was a crackwhore, always hanging on the arm of any dealer who could get her thugs. Their childhood was ruined by the bitch.

"And what did you do," Arsenio said.

"I will tell you the truth Neo, you must believe me and nothing else, promise me," Hector whispered.

"I will believe you," Arsenio said without hesitation. He trusted his brother more than anything in the world.

"She came asking for money with her new dealer boyfriend and I refused, of course. Her boyfriend got physical with me saying she owed him couple of grands and that her pussy was not doing it for him anymore," Hector spat in disgust, "I threw him out of the house of course. Mom got volatile, she wanted the f**ker, I told her to calm down. I gave her some water and popped a few sleeping pills so that she could sleep... but she started to foam and shit."

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