Chapter three

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Jimmys POV

" thank you ma'm" she buzzed the door open. Thank god the nurses office is close not because she's heavy I'm just trying to get her to help as soon as possible. I open the door and lay her down on the nurse bench.

" what's her name?" She asked. Breaking the silence. But not in a concerned way. I know because the bitch didn't even look up from her cellphone. She didn't even get out her chair.

" um it's Sarah I'm not sure what her last name is. But I think she's a junior" I smile harshly at the rude nurse

"What happened?" She asked coldly. Still not looking at me or Sarah

" she hit her head hard. And she relaxed into my chest while I carried her" I returned coldly

She finally looked up. But not to correct her tone. Her face was riddled with horror as she jumped up and smacked Sarah's face lightly. Sarah sat up almost instantly

" w. What?" Sarah looked around confused. "Oh hai" she waved at me child like. There was something about her that made me want to just hug her and cuddle her to death. Her innocence and lack of care. Her eyes are so pretty. Her waist thick. Same as her thighs. My kind of girl.. but something makes me wanna love her till the end of time. Just. Damn.

" uh excuse me sir?" Sarah said in a semi baby voice. Adorable by the way. Waving her hand in front of her Chest

" o. Oh yes princess ?" She giggle and cutely says " haiiii" still waving her small hands.

" hello pretty baby" I say softly. And she try's to hide her face in her hand

" excuse me. But you need to go back to class sir" the nurse said coldly Sarah pouted she's obviously upset. But I have to leave.

" I will see you soon princess " I wave myself out of the room. She's so damn cute!!


Hello loves. Sorry it's such a short chapter guys. I'm super duper sleepy. And I put two mini chapters out in one day. I promise tomorrow I won't disappoint!!! Goodnight beautiful/handsome people

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