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We took the horses back to the ranch and ran back towards the village to find Asher. I felt Obsidian enter my mind sending me comfort upon sensing my distress. I pushed on, running ahead of our group when I spotted Asher's chalky hair moving above the passing crowds of people.

"Asher!" I shouted gaining his attention.

He turned around and I skidded to a stop in front of him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

I grabbed his arm and led him into a near by ally my friends in tow.

"There was a vampire, he attacked a human, we have taken care of it but he got away," I said in a hushed voice.

Asher sighed and looked down unsurprised.

"Asher?" I questioned noticing that his sword was coated in black blood.

"The principle ordered me to search the village for demons because there were reports of the humans mysteriously disappearing and I've already had to kill three, and that was without having to use magic to find them," he said shaking his head.

I looked at him blankly and beckoned him to continue.

"The world is changing Aurora, the demon population is growing and more of the supernatural are joining them and becoming careless when it comes to feeding," he said.

I looked down at the ground and bit my bottom lip nervously.

"The vampire... he knew my name," I said hesitantly.

Fear flashed across Asher's eyes, he immediately put his arm around my shoulder and began walking in the direction of our dragons.

"Then its worse than we thought, if he knows who you are, he knows what you are capable of... pull up your hood and stay quiet we have to leave now," he said seriously.

I pulled my hood over my eyes and bowed my head following his lead.

"Orpheus and Max stay with us, everyone else go and find the others, tell them to make their way back and stay alert, if that vampire escaped he will be back with reinforcements" commanded Asher.

Orpheus and Max walked either side of us as we made our way cautiously through the village.

"Max, your a hunter which means you can detect demons easier than we can so stay alert," explained Asher.

I watched as Max nodded and held onto the pommel of his sword lightly.

 We were finally passing through though the last ally way when a pair of red eyes flashed through the thickening fog. Asher drew his sword and stood firmly in front of me when a pair of hands appeared.

"Oh, it's just you"  breathed Asher lowering his sword as Shade emerged form the fog with Chase behind him.

"Make yourself useful and stay with Aurora," said Asher before disappearing into the fog so the only part of him I could see was his outline and the soft shimmer of his silver blade.

Shade approached me and walked by my side with his daggers dangling loosely from his hands, I drew my own daggers and watched as Asher, Chase, Max and Orpheus walked around searching the area.

" We shouldn't have come here," he said angrily breaking the silence.

"It's a bit late now, " I said bluntly. 

I saw Max stop ahead of us and look around, I watched in horror as a creature with dark red eyes fell heavily from the roof of a lefthand building,  landing onto of him.

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